10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items

10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items

Anxiety and Stress Combating Foods

Stress and anxiety is getting common in the world we currently live in. Stress can be related to work, personal life or some other matter/ factor can trigger anxiety or panic attacks. Anxiety is related to stress that leaves you drained and panicked. Anxiety can also make you restless, there will be an increase in heart rate, shivering of hands and sweating of palms. Your friends can be good to cheer you up but when you are at home and would like to get over the anxiety or stress then you can try some super food. Yes, you can treat the anxiety and stress with the help of some highly beneficial anxiety reducing foods. Let’s take a look at them.

10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items

1. Dark Chocolate

10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items

Dark chocolate has this amazing quality to release dopamine which will lift your spirit and keeps the anxiety levels down. It has natural mood enhancing properties and to make your mood better.  In fact, it also helps you sleep better in hard time.

2. Banana

10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items

Banana is a good source of calcium and phosphorus and along with that it also contains tyrosine and amino acid that will trigger the response of a happy feeling. Like there are incidences which can trigger negative or sad feeling similarly some substances will help you release chemicals which make you feel better. So, the next time you are getting low eat this anxiety curing fruit for vegetarians.

3. Strawberries

Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items strawberry

Strawberries have ellagic acid and vitamin C in ample amounts. Vitamin C is a great way to boost immune system and to trigger the dopamine release which helps in bringing down your anxiety levels. See: Benefits of strawberries

4. Ice creams

  Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items ice creams

Ice creams too are good to bring the stress and anxiety levels down by releasing the dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. Thus they are great when it comes to foods to cure stress. You may have noticed, how your friend or a loved one who dealt with a break up recently would love to eat ice creams.

5. Apples

Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So true!! Apple also contains Quercetin, this keep your stress level down and fights anxiety brilliantly. It is also recommended that eating apples make a person happy and improves the mood. Apple also has polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants which are great for healthy brain function, therefore amongst the best stress relief fruit.

6. Almonds

  Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items almonds

Almonds are rich source of vitamin E and phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which consistently keeps the anxiety levels low. Taking few almonds daily will give you happy feeling and you will not get negative feeling as often or become gloomy on petty things. Therefore it would be great if you include this stress flowering food in your diet daily. See Health Benefits of taking almonds

7. Beetroot

Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items beetroot

Beetroot is a rich source of iron, vitamin C and minerals which helps in the production of blood. But they also have amino acids which helps to stimulate the antidepressants therefore you feel happy and relaxed.

8. Walnuts

10 Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items walnuts

Rich in the Omega 3 fatty acids, walnut will keep your spirits lift up. You will be much happier and the tendency to get stressed out and get panicked will be much reduced. This is when you regular include the nut in your diet.

9. Mangoes

  Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items mangoes

Mangoes are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that release the chemicals which make you feel relaxed and happier. This way the anxiety levels can be brought down so even if you get stressed out at petty issues, taking this fruit that helps fight stress will definitely help you out.

10. Eggs

Best Anxiety and Stress Fighting Food Items eggs

Eggs have fatty acids and protein which are formed of amino acids. The essential amino acids in the proteins will boost the immune system and also make your mood better. They may not show instant results like dark chocolate, ice creams or banana can give but when they are consume regularly they will show good results.

So, these are the best foods for stress reduction and helping you get better mood in a stressful situation or condition. They combat the bad stress that can potentially harm your physical and mental health.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.