10 Best Remedies to Get Rid of Neck Skin Darkness

Most of us pay so much attention on the face. Like to lighten the facial skin or using skin creams to keep the face skin brighter but we often forget about the neck which is as important as the face. A fair face and a dark neck may look terrible and not flattering at all. The same can be said if there is spots on the neck or the dark skin on back of the neck. When the neck skin is darker and has hyper pigmentation, it is quite visible when sporting a up do hairstyles. Do you have dark skin around neck or dark spots and the neck is darker than the face? To cure that we have listed some amazing and effective home remedies to get rid of the dark neck. These natural ways and tips will lighten the dark skin but have no side effects as they whitens the dark skin on neck naturally.

home remedies for dark neck

What Causes Dark Neck?

  • Over exposure of UV rays on the neck skin leads to skin darkening and hyper-pigmentation.
  • Darkness is also caused due to some medical reasons or medicines.
  • Some of the other reasons for dark skin around the neck can be due to diabetes, hereditary, obesity, PCOS or polycystic ovary Syndrome etc.
  • Not taking proper care is also a cause for dark neck.
  • People who do not wash the neck or use sponge scrubs or scrubs to exfoliate the dead skin also experiences the dark skin around the neck area.
  • Too much exposure in the sun also darkens the skin on the neck area.
  • Weight gain or obesity also causes dark skin around waist, neck, knees etc.

8 Home Remedies to get rid of Dark Neck and Hyper Pigmentation

1. Potato Juice

Potato is a natural mild skin bleach which lightens the skin mildly and also removes the darkness.

  • Extract some potato juice and apply this juice on the neck.
  • Massage with this juice and leave it overnight.
  • There will be some itching but that is normal with potato juice.
  • This can be done every day for the first week and then three times in a week after that.

2. Yogurt Remedy

Other than the darkness on the neck, there can be some dark spots and marks or there can be hyper pigmentation. Yoghurt is the best remedy to treat spots and hyper pigmentation on the neck.

  • Take 1 teaspoonful of yogurt and add 3 pinches of turmeric into it.
  • Apply this on the neck and also on the face if you have darkness and spots on the face.
  • Keep that for half an hour for the lactic acid in the yogurt to soak into the skin and work on the spots.
  • Wash off with normal water.
  • This remedy will soon give you lighter neck.

3. Lemon Juice

The dark skin on the neck can be lightened with the help of the natural skin bleaches like lemon, potato, tomato etc. We have shared potato and now its lemon’s turn. Lemon mildly bleaches the skin and makes the darkness fade fast naturally.

  • Apply lemon juice with the help of a cotton pad or just by rubbing the lemon slice over the dark skin on the neck.
  • Gently massage the skin and leave that for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with water.
  • It is good that you do this 20 minutes before the shower which makes it non messy and easier.

4. Lemon Juice and turmeric

The dark skin on the neck can also be whitened with the help of this simple remedy. You will need lemon juice and some turmeric.This is amongst the good home remedies for dark neck.

  • Mix 2 teaspoonful of lemon juice. Add one teaspoonful of rose water and ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric powder. Mix all these ingredients.
  • Apply on the neck and the back of the neck. Massage gently and keep that for half an hour.
  • Wash off with normal water. This should be done 3 times a week.

5. Almond oil and Cucumber Juice

Almond oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E amount which helps to boost the blood circulation and lighten the darkness on the neck. Similarly cucumber will white the skin effectively.

  • Mix some almond oil with the equal quantity of cucumber juice.
  • Use this mixture to massage the neck skin daily at night.
  • This simple yet excellent remedy for dark neck naturally faster and you will not have to devote anything extra.

6. Almond oil and Coconut oil

Almond oil can also be used with some coconut oil to remove the darkness on neck. This remedy with oils is more suitable in winters for dry mature skin while people with oily skin may use the remedy stated above with cucumber.

  • Mix both these oil in equal quantities and massage the neck every night before going to bed.
  • Both these oil will nourish the skin and get rid of the dark neck skin.

7. Papaya and Lemon Juice

  • Take 1-2 teaspoonful of papaya paste.
  • This pulpy paste of papaya can be obtained by just mashing a piece or slice of papaya.
  • Add 1-2 teaspoonful of lemon juice in it.
  • Rub this over the dark skin of your neck.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with tepid water.

8. Almond and Milk paste

  • This is  one of the effective remedy but can take some time.
  • Procure 4-5 soaked almonds.
  • crush them in a fine paste with milk.
  • Apply this milk almond paste on the dark neck.
  • Wash after 30 minutes.

9. Baking soda and Water

  • Take 1-2 teaspoonful of baking soda.
  • make medium pate with water.
  • Apply over the neck or the dark skin
  • Wash after 30 minutes.

10. Vitamin E Oil

  • Take a vitamin E oil capsule and cut open it.
  • Massage this oil on the neck and darkness of the skin.
  • Keep overnight and wash in the morning.
  • Try every night.

Natural Scrub to Remove the Darkness of the Neck

A natural scrub work in two ways. It helps exfoliate the dead skin cells which makes the neck skin smoother and brighter while the other ingredients makes the skin lighter resulting in the skin of the neck to match with that of the face complexion.

Recipe of scrub remedies for dark neck:

  • Take 2 teaspoonful of honey and add one teaspoonful of tomato juice.
  • In this add 2 teaspoonful of sugar and mix them well.
  • Apply this natural scrub for dark neck on the neck skin and also on the back of the neck.
  • Let the juice soak for 10 minutes and then with gentle circular movements scrub off this scrub off the neck skin.
  • Wash with plan water.
  • This is good to be done in the shower.
  • This is also a great remedy to be done by brides before their wedding to make the neck skin lighter.

Red Lentil Mixture

  • Take 1/2 cup of red lentil, also called as masoor dal. Grind that to the powder form.
  • Mix 2 teaspoonful of this red mentil powder with little bit of milk cream.
  • Once you get a paste like consistency, apply this on the neck area where the skin is darker.
  • Wash off after 30 minutes with scrubbing off.

Home made Ubtan to cure dark neck

This is the traditional ubtan that the brides in India use before their wedding to make the skin tan less, fair and glowing. This ubtan is one of the best home remedies for dark neck that lightens the dark neck skin. Hence good for the brides and for those who just want to get rid of the dark neck.

  • Take 1 teaspoonful of besan and 1 teaspoonful of curd in a small bowl.
  • Add ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric powder and ½ teaspoonful of lemon juice.
  • Mix all of them well and apply on the face and the neck skin.
  • When the pack get fully dry.
  • Moist your hands and scrub off the ubtan pack for the skin.
  • This can be tried 3 times a week and will make the darkness fade fast naturally.

More tips to take care of the Dark Neck

Other than the remedies stated above you should make sure than while bathing you should exfoliate the neck region with a soft loofah to keep the skin smoother and brighter.

Make sure you apply lots of sunscreen when you go out in sun especially during summers.

Apply night creams and day cream on the neck skin too. Don’t forget the beck side of neck skin which is nape area.

Once in a white apply 2-3 drops of castor oil at night to to further whiten the darkness on the neck.

With these powerful home remedies for dark neck, the darkness on the neck skin will not be a problem anymore. All you need is to do them regularly and have patience, they are bound to show some excellent results in removing the darkness on the neck skin.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.