10 Natural Ways to Remove Sun Tan from Neck and Back

Sun tan is the most common problem seen in the summers. Yes! While stepping out to the skin, you forget to wear sunscreen and cover your skin areas like legs, neck, hands and face. And what you gain? Nothing but dark pigmented skin. It is significant to understand that harmful UV rays increase melanin levels in your skin cells and the outcome is dark patched skin with spots. We still take care of the face but neck is a neglected body part that needs to be taken care of. So, if your neck and back is dark due to sun tanning then you can surely try these quick remedies to remove sun tan. These tips will also induce whitening on the dark neck skin and your back.

10 Best Remedies to Remove Suntan from Neck and Back

10 Natural Ways to remove Sun Tan from Neck and Back

1. Lemon Juice and Honey

Lemon is very useful in removing tan and increase your skin tone. It is rich in citrus juice and vitamin-C that are known to improve skin complexion. Honey is a good remedy for protecting skin from daily wear and tear like pollution, sunlight and dirt, etc. It is thick and sticky in texture that balance the skin moisture and adds natural glow to your dark neck and face.

How to use it?

  • Take 1 fresh lemon and squeeze out its juice in a bowl.
  • Now add one full spoon of pure and fresh honey in it.
  • Mix both the ingredients well and apply onto your tanned and dark neck and back skin.
  • Rub it gently for 10 minutes and let it sit for next 25 minutes. In the end, rinse off with cold water.

2. Raw milk and sandalwood powder

In ancient times, raw milk was used by brides to improve their skin glow and get a sparkling shine. Milk is really good for skin and it helps in maintaining the skin’s elasticity. Sandalwood powder is a miracle for dark tanned beauties. It is rich in anti-bacterial properties that protect your skin from all skin troubles. You will feel the difference in your tanned neck skin tone after a few days of application.

How to use it?

  • Take 4 full spoons of raw milk and add 2 full spoons of sandalwood powder.
  • You can also add turmeric powder for better results.
  • Now mix all the ingredients well and apply on your tanned face, leg or other affected skin parts.
  • Massage it onto your skin slowly for 15-20 minutes in upward motion and wash it with cold water.

3. Curd with cucumber juice

How to use it?

  • Take 5 spoons of hung curd and 1 cucumber. Peel off the cucumber skin and wash it thoroughly.
  • Now cut it into small pieces and grind them in a grinder.
  • Mix both the ingredients in a separate bowl and apply it onto your clean and affected skin.
  • You will start feeling a cool sensation after using it. Keep it for 25 minutes and rinse it with cold water.


  • Cucumber contains more than 75% of water that hydrates your skin naturally.
  • It has soothing and cooling properties that work on burned and tanned skin.
  • It is like an antidote for burning and damaged skin.
  • Curd on the other hand is made up with milk and contain lactose acid.
  • This is rich in essential minerals and vitamins that increase skin color and removes pigmentation effectively.

4. Tomato Juice with Potato Juice

  • Take 3 spoons of tomato and potato juice each.
  • Apply it using a cotton on the dark tanned neck.
  • Leave it for 25 minutes.Wash it off with cold water.


  • Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins like E, A, C, etc.
  • It reduces pigmentation and removes uneven skin tone easily.
  • Moreover, you can achieve pinky rosy cheeks by using it on your face.
  • It adds glow to your skin and makes it smooth and soft.
  • Potato slices are good to remove tan and darkness from skin.

5. Watermelon and Honey

  • Take a little piece of watermelon and crush it so that it turns into a paste.
  • Add 1-2 teaspoonful of honey in it.
  • Apply on the wash and wash after 20 minutes.
  • The best time to try this is evening time.

6. Saffron and Milk

  • Take 2-3 teaspoonful of milk.
  • Add 3-4 strands of saffron in it.
  • Mix it well and massage the face, neck or the sun tan affected area with this lotion.
  • Keep this overnight and wash in the morning.
  • Try this everyday for best and faster results.

7. Cucumber and Aloe vera gel

  • Take some cucumber grinded paste and add 1 teaspoonful of aloe vera in it.
  • Mix and apply all over the back and neck.
  • Increase the quantity is required more.
  • Wash after  30 minutes.
  • This also removes dark patches and prickly heat.

8. Papaya and Lemon juice

  • This is a very effective way to get rid of the tan from back.
  • Take a chunk of papaya  and grind it.
  • Mix 2 teaspoonful of lemon juice in it.
  • Apply evenly on the face, neck etc and rinse after 30 minutes.

9. Oatmeal with tomato Juice

  • Take 1-2 teaspoonful of oatmeal and put tomato pulp and juice of half tomato.
  • Mix them and let them get soft for 3-5 minutes.
  • After that apply this paste on the face and wash off with plain water.

10. Sugar and Lemon Juice with honey

  • Take 1-2 teaspoonful of brown sugar or fine white sugar.
  • Mix 1-2 teaspoonful of lemon juice and 1 spoon of honey.
  • Apply on the neck and scrub gently.
  • Once you have scrubbed for 2-3 minutes, leave it for 20 minutes.

More Tips on Sun tan Removal from Neck and Back area

  • These remedies and ways will remove the sun tan efficiently and faster at home.
  • You need just the regularity in doing these. Also do check if you have any allergies.
  • Use sunscreen when you move out in sun.
  • Sunscreen can be applied generously on the neck and back so that they are protected against the UV rays.

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