10 Quick Skin lightening remedies at home

quick skin lightening remedies10 Quick Skin lightening remedies at home

Skin lightening means lightening the skin tone by a couple of shades. Skin lightening can be done with the help of expensive chemical treatments, facials, skin creams and lotions like the fairness creams but there are some easy natural ways that can lighten the skin tone to make the skin look fairer. These days a bright and glowing complexion is what most of us wish for. You might have seen that when the skin looks radiant, it looks bright and lighter than before. Here, we will be sharing some excellent fairness tips that can lighten the skin complexion and will also help making your skin texture better. A fair skin is of no use when it is lack luster and dull looking, therefore one should aim for glowing and healthy skin along with skin lightening treatments. There are so many natural things that are there in your kitchen which can easily give your fair skin without spending a lot of money and most importantly, no harm when they are done with certain care. So, here are some quick skin lightening remedies for fair skin.

Quick and Easy Remedies for skin lightening

1. Regular use of lemon juice on the skin makes skin fair and light. You can take some lemon juice and gently rub it on the skin. Keep this on the face for an hour then wash off. This skin lightening remedy can be done 2 times a week.

2. Potatoes not only lighten the dark circles but they will lighten your skin too. Cut few slices of potato and rub those on the face. Keep it for 20 minutes and wash. Try this 3 times a week. Mild tingling and itching is normal.

3. Lemon juice and turmeric powder also help you with skin lightening. Apply some lemon juice mixed with 2 pinches of turmeric and wash off after 20 minutes. This is an excellent way to lighten the skin but this is not for sensitive skin.

4. Apply milk powder with some honey on the face like a face to lighten the skin and get glow on the face instantly.

5. Honey can also be mixed with some lime juice to lighten the skin tone. Keep this on the face for 20 minutes and then was the face with plain water.

6. Make a paste of some oatmeal and tomatoes and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. This is a good remedy for skin lightening for sensitive skin.

7. Applying a paste of red sandalwood on the face also gives a radiant and fair complexion. Red sandalwood powder has skin soothing properties and also it lightens the skin tone.

8. Make a paste of rose petals and add some milk and honey into it. Keep the paste medium and apply on the face. Rose makes skin light and radiant.

9. Take some wheat bran and mix it with some gram flour and milk. Keep the paste medium and apply on the face. This will mildly exfoliate the face for a clear, smoother skin and with regular use this pack cum face scrub will make the skin fair. Scrub it off when the pack gets semi dried.

10. Make a pulpy paste with mint leaves and basil (Tulsi) leaves with some water. This paste will lighten the complexion and also fights off acne and pimples.

Getting light skin with these skin lightening remedies and treatments is very easy and effective. Stick to a couple of these treatments and make sure that you do them at least 2-3 times a week. Discontinue using if any problem happens but try to be consistent with the ones that suit you.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.