Are you looking for the most feminine and delicate tattoo you can imagine? Then you’ll love these delicate sternum tattoo ideas!
Are you bored of getting a tattoo in the usual places like your forearm, leg or back?
Then you should consider the idea of a sternum tattoo right away. Sternum tattoos are very popular among people for their modern and elegant look.
Delicate Sternum Tattoo Ideas

A sternum tattoo is usually placed in the area that is located in the middle of the breasts. However, a sternum tattoo can extend or stretch to the upper chest region. It may also extend down to the stomach or ribs on both sides.
If you want to get a sternum tattoo, you may also want to think about how much pain you typically endure, as sternum tattoos can be quite painful. However, if you can control the pain while getting tattooed, you can definitely ask for a beautiful and delicate sternum tattoo.
Consequently, if you feel like you are open to experimenting with your next tattoo, why not try these absolutely amazing and dainty sternum tattoos?
Minimalist and delicate sternum tattoo designs.

If you subscribe to a sense of style or aesthetic that is quite minimalist in nature, then you will love a small, delicate sternum tattoo design.
Sternum tattoos are known for their minimalist designs that are not overly large in shape or size, but are still quite intricate and detailed. If you want a minimalist and delicate sternum tattoo, just ask your tattoo artist to show you some sternum tattoos and you can choose.
A minimal and delicate sternum tattoo will also be very easy to disguise or hide with a blouse that covers it. Therefore, these sternum tattoo designs can be quite discreet and delicate but also extremely elegant and powerful.
Sternum tattoo designs with delicate lines

If you want a delicate sternum tattoo that is quite detailed and intricate, then you should check out some line tattoo designs.
Line tattoos can be a thing of beauty if done with exact precision by a skilled artist. Using the line style, you can create beautiful floral designs or abstract patterns for your sternum tattoo. You will also like these tattoos if you love minimalist tattoos.
Floral Sternum Tattoo Ideas

If you want a sternum tattoo that suits everyone, then you have to look at flower tattoos. Flowers are one of the most popular tattoo designs as they go very well with any other tattoo design or on any part of the body.
So if you want a cute, light and minimalist sternum tattoo, you can’t go wrong with a delicate flower sternum tattoo. The rose and lotus flower are two of the most popular sternum tattoo designs. However, you can also ask your tattoo artist to show you designs with other flowers besides roses and lotuses.
After all, each flower has a deep and special meaning that you may want to express through your own tattoo. For example, an acacia flower symbolizes feelings of longing and hidden love, while the pink camellia represents desire.
The yellow iris flower represents passion, while the lavender flowers symbolize grace, serenity and calm. Therefore, if you want a piece of beauty on your body, you can easily choose a delicate sternum tattoo with a floral motif.
If you really like the idea of a floral sternum tattoo, here are some beautiful iris tattoo designs for you to check out right away!
Stunning Ornamental Sternum Tattoo Designs

One of the most popular sternum tattoo designs is the one with an ornamental motif. These tattoo designs resemble a delicate and beautiful piece of jewelry with gems hanging from the delicate pattern.
While this ornamental design was mainly used by people for the hand or ankle, more and more women are also adopting this style for sternum and rib tattooing. You can also add slight color like the user in the picture did to make your tattoo more special.
Delicate Handmade Sternum Tattoo Designs

A popular tattoo option for women is the handmade tattoo design. Handmade tattoos are also known as dot tattoos because the figure is created through a series of small tattoo dots. If you search on the Internet, you will find many DIY tattoo ideas for a delicate sternum tattoo.
Consequently, you can also choose a handmade sternum tattoo design with a skull or a butterfly. A butterfly would be a beautiful symbolic tattoo for any woman as it means new beginnings and symbolizes transformation. You can also choose abstract patterns for your handmade sternum tattoo design.
Quirky and Unusual Sternum Tattoo Ideas

While some of the most popular sternum tattoo designs include geometric patterns and flowers, you can also break the mold and go for some wild and unconventional ideas. While a snake tattoo is not necessarily very attractive to look at, it can be made into an incredibly sexy tattoo in the hands of skilled tattoo artists.
If you love macabre and gothic tattoos, you can also choose skull tattoos for your sternum tattoo. You can also take inspiration from the image here, where the user has tattooed an impressive spider web on her breastbone.
It is quite an interesting and clever design as the artist stretched the web towards the stomach and also added the tattoo of a hanging spider.
If you are looking for more extravagant snake tattoo designs, you should take a look at this curated list of the best small snake tattoo designs.
Delicate sternum tattoos with geometric shapes and patterns

Many people prefer to get tattoos with geometric shapes and abstract patterns for their tattoos instead of choosing an object or symbol. If you are also looking for a geometric tattoo, then you can also look at some sternum tattoo ideas.
A geometric tattoo with symmetrical lines and patterns would look amazing on your skin. However, you need to make sure that the sternum tattoo design really looks good and has been created by expert tattoo artists who know which designs suit different parts of the body.
Colorful Sternum Tattoos for Women

If you are someone who doesn’t like simple, monochrome tattoos done with black ink, you should ask your tattoo artist to add some colors to your tattoo! Although colorful sternum tattoos are not very popular, you have complete freedom to modify and personalize your sternum tattoo according to your own tastes and preferences.
Therefore, you can tattoo a rainbow symbol or even a combination of flowers such as roses and a lotus flower on your skin. Many people also get tattoos in the shape of a moon or birds, depending on the type of message and meaning they convey. In addition to that, if you want a delicate sternum tattoo, you can easily choose a soft, muted and subtle color palette with soft pink and beige tones to complete the figure.
Feminine and delicate sternum tattoo designs.

There are many designs that women can choose from if they want to get a nice and delicate sternum tattoo. The sternum can be a tricky but good canvas for many women to get tattooed on.
They can choose symbols and objects to represent a loved one, or they can get tattoos of other symbols that they love or that have greatly inspired them.
For example, the user in the image above has chosen a butterfly tattoo with wings. Similarly, you can also tattoo other feminine and delicate symbols such as the sun, moon, stars or flowers.
Creative sternum tattoo with various symbols and figures.

While some people may choose abstract geometric shapes for their sternum tattoos, you can also choose a tattoo that has a deep meaning. While they are not very common, you can also get a quote tattoo on your sternum with a Sanskrit word or Chinese letters if you wish.
Readers who love the ‘Harry Potter’ series also opt for the Deathly Hallows triangle symbol, among other designs inspired by the story of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as they set out to defeat the evil Lord Voldemort.
Many tattoo enthusiasts also choose a symbol from many cultures around the world, such as the symbol of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Therefore, you may feel confused at first about which sternum tattoo design you should choose, but you can always use your creativity to create the design that you think suits you best.
So, if you have always wanted to get an unconventional tattoo with a delicate design, just choose a wonderful and delicate sternum tattoo for your next tattoo appointment!
If you’re still looking for inspiration, check out this blog post on sternum tattoo ideas.
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What is a sternum tattoo?
A sternum tattoo is a type of body art that is applied to the breastbone or breastbone area. The design can be anything from complex symbols and patterns to simple words and phrases. Sternum tattoos are usually quite small, as the skin area on the chest is limited for larger designs. This makes them perfect for people who want to draw attention, but also want something that can be easily hidden. Sternum tattoos are especially popular among women, who often use them as an expression of femininity and empowerment. Additionally, in recent years they have become increasingly popular among men.
How much does a sternum tattoo cost?
The cost of a sternum tattoo can vary greatly depending on the size, complexity, and colors used in the design. In general, smaller tattoos will be less expensive than larger ones. Additionally, tattoos that use multiple colors are usually more expensive than those that only use one or two colors. On average, a small sternum tattoo can cost between $50 and $200, while a larger one can cost up to $1,000 or more. To get an accurate cost estimate, it is best to discuss your design with your local tattoo artist. They will be able to provide you with more accurate pricing information.
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