15 Homemade Foot Scrubs and Foot Soak Recipes For Tired Dull Feet

homemade foot scrubs and foor soaksFoot Scrubs and Foot Soaks

Our feet can be the most ignored body part. They bear the entire weight and suffer a lot throughout the day. They too need some pampering but going to salons for pedicure, foot massage and other beauty rituals can be very expensive. So, why don’t we devote some time and give our feet some pampering. We can make our own foot scrub at home that works as effective as the salon products to get rid of the dirt and dead skin. These foot scrubs and foot soaks will also improve the foot skin texture and spots, marks and black scars on them due to shoe bites. So, here are homemade foot scrub and foot soaks recipes.

1. Sugar and lemon juice foot scrub

How to prepare:

In a small bowl. Take 4 teaspoonful of sugar and 8 teaspoonful of lemon juice.

  • Mix them and apply on the feet.
  • Gently scrub the feet with circular massaging movement which enhances the blood circulation and scrapes dead skin.
  • Concentrate on the dry areas like sole and heels.
  • Rub for 5- 7 minutes and then leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Then wash this sugar foot scrub with normal water.

This is one of the best foot scrubs that will lighten the marks on the foot and remove the dead flaky skin.

Also Read: Homemade Heel repair and foot cream

2. Coconut milk and sugar foot scrub

coconut milk foor scrub

How to prepare:

  • For this foot scrub, mix half cup of coconut milk with less than half cup of sugar and let it melt a bit.
  • Scrub thus scrub all over the feel.
  • Focus on heels and then wash after 2-3 minutes.

This foot exfoliator is great way to get softer feet quickly. It also removes the dry skin.

3. Rice flour and honey foot soak scrub

How to prepare:

  • You will need rice flour and honey.
  • Mix both the products in equal amount like ¼ cup of rice flour and same amount of honey.
  • Use this homemade foot scrub to scrub the dead skin on the heels and feel.
  • Use on the sole as well.
  • Wash off with water.

This foot scrubber is great to nourish the dry skin on feet and for cracked heels.

Also Read: Rice Flour Face Packs

4. Honey and sugar foot cleaning scrub

How to prepare:

  • This is the easiest foot scrub to get rid of the dry skin on the feet.
  • Mix sugar and honey and use on the feet to scrub them.
  • Do this at night and after that apply a crack repair cream on the heels and wear socks.

This will cure the cracked heels.

5. Almond powder and coconut milk foot scrub

How to prepare:

  • Take 4 teaspoonfuls of almond powder and coconut milk around 4 teaspoonfuls in a small bowl and mix them.
  • Apply this mixture all over the feet and gently scrub and exfoliate.
  • Do this for 2- 3 minutes and then rinse off.

This will make the heels softer and feet smoother. Almond powder will lighten any scars and marks on the feet. Mix lime juice too if you wish in this.

Also Read: Homemade face scrubs

6. Camphor oil and honey Foot soak

homemade Foot Scrubs and Foot soaks recipes at home

How to prepare:

  • For this foot soak, fill a tub with warm water.
  • Add a cup of honey and 2 teaspoonful of Epsom salt in it.
  • Add half teaspoonful of camphor oil in it that and stir.
  • Soak the feet in that water for 15 minutes.
  • Use any of the mentioned foot scrub to remove the dirt, dead skin off the feet.

This will relax the tired feet and improves the skin tone, hyper pigmentation etc.

7. Tea tree oil and warm water

Tea tree oil and warm water foot soak is good for relaxing the tired feet and for curing the toenail fungus, corns and calluses as well. Tea tree oil is anti bacterial and anti fungal in nature hence any sought of foot infection will be cured with the regular use of this foot soak.

How to prepare:

  • Take a tub half filled with warm water and add one teaspoonful of tea tree oil.
  • Immerse the feel for 20 minutes.

8. Rice flour and aloe vera gel

How to prepare:

  • Take 2 teaspoonful of rice flour and 3 teaspoonful of aloe vera gel.
  • Use this homemade foot scrub to gentle exfoliate the dry feet and to get rid of the top most flaky skin.

Aloe vera gel also lighten the skin tone of the feet and removes the sun tanning as well.

9. Lemon juice and salt water foot soak

How to prepare:

  • Fill a small bucket or tub with warm water.
  • Add 2 lemon’s juice in to that and then put the lemon in the water as well which will release more lemon juice in the warm water.
  • Add 3 teaspoonful of salt and stir the water.
  • Dip the feet or 20 minutes then using a pumic stone rub all over apply a foot cream or moisturiser.

This is an excellent foot soak to lighten the complexion of feet to make them fairer. This foot scrub will also remove the sun tanning and scars from the feet.

10. Baking soda and water foot scrub

How to prepare:

  • Take 2 teaspoonful of baking soda and using some water make paste.
  • Use this paste of baking soda as a homemade foot scrub to scrub the feet.
  • This foot scrub also relaxes the feet.

11. Banana and sugar foot scrub

How to prepare:

  • Take a banana fruit and mash it or blend it to form a puree like thing.
  • Add 4 teaspoonful of sugar in that banana puree and scrub the feet gently for 3-4 minutes.
  • After that leave it as a foot mask for 15 minutes that rinse with cold water.

This is a very hydrating foot scrub. This foot scrub will remove the flaky skin and will hydrate the cracked heels and toes. This is like an instant glow pack for feet.

12. Orange peel powder and honey foot scrub

honey foot scrub

Orange peel powder is a natural exfoliating ingredient hence work well as a homemade foot scrub.

How to prepare:

  • Take 3 teaspoonful of orange peel powder and mix 3 teaspoonful of honey in it.
  • Apply the foot scrub and scrub them for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it for another 10 minutes to hydrate the feet.

Honey is a natural moisture retainer will boost the nourishment of the new skin exposed. Wash the foot scrub with cold water.

13. Yoghurt and sugar foot scrub

How to prepare:

  • Take ¼ cup of curd/ yoghurt and sugar.
  • Gently massage the feet with this foot scrub will also cure the rough heels and make them smoother.

Yoghurt will lighten the foot skin and any marks that you may have.

14. Warm water and salt foot soak

This is a very easy foot soak to get rid of the foot ache and tiredness.

How to prepare:

  • Fill a tub with warm water and add half cup of salt ion it.
  • Dip the feet in the water and be there for 20 minutes.
  • It relaxes and rejuvenates the tired feet and mind as well.
  • This can be done when there is foot ache or you have walked too much and feet are tired.
  • Apply a lotion after you get the feet out as warm water will strip the moisture.

So, the next time you decide to pamper the feet think of these easy homemade foot scrubs and foot soaks rather than spending on the salons. These things can be easily done at home and gives equally good results.


  • Anju Sharma Autho tipsclear

    Anju Sharma is a versatile writer specializing in fashion, Mehndi, tattoos, health, and lifestyle. With a passion for creativity and well-being, she crafts engaging and insightful content that resonates with a diverse audience.

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  • Anita Sharma

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