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15 highest paying jobs online in 2022

Being able to work online or remotely is a huge help in ensuring you can maintain a great work/life balance. Thanks to the changing world we live in, it’s increasingly possible to work online while still earning a good income. In the past, it may have seemed like online working was only available to the lucky few or those willing to take a hefty pay cut in exchange for menial tasks. That’s changed now with almost as many different job titles online as there are at physical work locations, and sites like ZipRecruiter can help you find the perfect role for you, matching your skills and salary requirements to a role. But with so many career options out there, what are the highest-paying jobs online? Join us as we dive through the list, breaking down what’s involved and what previous skills may be necessary for you to succeed.

1. Programmer

National Average Salary: $89,190

In a similar vein to web development, a programmer or coder has substantial opportunities open to them thanks to there always being a need for apps and programs to be developed. The best money comes from in-house software development where one works on specific software for a company, testing out issues and debugging code. Elsewhere, a good salary can be made from working on software solutions sold to individuals or members of the public.

Essentially, knowledge of coding languages can offer up a lot of flexibility. Programming skills are highly transferrable so workers can switch to similar fields if they choose to, while programming, on the whole, is always in demand. It’s a complex field for some but if your brain adapts well to such a methodical way of thinking, it’s often very lucrative.

In some cases, programming and coding can even lead to training opportunities when users need to be taught how to use a new app or software package. Programming can often be self-taught although it’s useful to learn through specific online learning platforms to gain certificates and more structured knowledge.

2. Translator

National Average Salary: $78,593

If you’re fluent in more than one language, a translator or interpreter role can be very lucrative. That’s thanks to the internet being international and therefore offering the potential for companies to be noticed in places where English isn’t the primary language. While services such as Google Translate are fine for basic translations, websites or companies that require accurate translations need to hire a dedicated translator. As a translator, you’re required to perform language conversions that are grammatically compliant and convey the correct message to a user. In many cases, understanding idioms and other nuances of both languages makes a huge difference.

The most successful translators are knowledgeable in multiple languages but simply being bilingual can be good enough for many companies. Language expertise mostly depends on what the company needs from a translator.

Expect to have some relevant qualifications in the field to demonstrate your knowledge of other languages. Some roles may simply require you to undertake a written test to showcase your expertise, but these typically pay less when starting out. Over time, it’s often possible to establish a strong reputation through good word of mouth, thereby accruing more contracts. The best roles involve more technical writing that combines translation skills and often requires you to be skilled in multiple disciplines to be able to translate effectively.

3. Web Developer

National Average Salary: $70,053

You’re working online and guess what? So are plenty of other people. That means that web development work is in high demand. While web design work is popular, it’s the development side of things that is most profitable. The work involves creating applications and back-end content that ensures websites work reliably no matter how complex they may be. Often, rigorous testing procedures are required as well as ensuring that the site is safe and secure from any type of threat.

As with all of the most profitable roles, there are almost always web development roles out there providing you have the skills. Often, you may need to undertake training or ensure you have a particular degree under your belt, however, many online courses make this more achievable. Many web developers are also partly self-taught as the job role often changes significantly with new developments in the field affecting how things operate. At all times, it’s important to have strong problem solving skills as well as be able to adapt your way of thinking when something unusual arises.

Web development can be a relatively stressful role with some shift work required if a site runs into an issue out of hours but for the most important websites out there, it pays very well due to the importance of an online presence for all.

4. Sales Representative

National Average Salary: $68,933

Working in sales, either remotely or in person, is often a highly profitable role providing you have the right temperament. The best sales representatives are personable people that are able to develop a great rapport with their potential customers or clients, thereby selling them the right product for their needs.

The key to being a good sales representative is to never sell for the sake of it. Instead, engaging a customer and learning what they need most from you and your company ensures that the customer leaves happy, providing you with good word of mouth to other clients while also being likely to return for future products too. Earning potential can vary significantly depending on the type of sales work and your success rate but it’s easily one of the most profitable forms of work if you’re good at it.

Working as a sales representative rarely requires any specific qualifications, although, in certain types of sales, it may be useful so that you’re knowledgeable on a certain subject. For the most part though, anyone who is able to talk to others and form a relationship is a good bet for a sales role. Some basic admin skills such as the ability to collect contact details efficiently, as well as any other relevant notes, can also be useful. Sales is easily one of the highest paying jobs online but you’ll need to be keen at all times to make the most money.

5. Virtual Assistant

National Average Salary: $67,115

A virtual assistant works just like a personal assistant in an office. They are able to answer emails for a client, schedule appointments, as well as sometimes manage social media as well. They are often the first port of call for anyone getting in touch with a small business much like a receptionist. Work can be fairly varied but admin-focused.

Besides scheduling meetings and answering emails, a virtual assistant also has to manage calendars, and conduct data entry work. In some cases, they may also be required to follow up with clients or complete basic accounting for their employer.

It’s often fairly basic work so no formal qualifications are required. Instead, a good attitude, strong organizational skills, and the ability to think quickly on your feet are often far more useful. The work can be fairly low paying when dealing with just one client but some virtual assistants may take on multiple roles, meaning their income rises substantially. It’s important to be willing to be flexible at all times to make the most money, as well as be most attractive to other clients.

6. Blogger

National Average Salary: $64,662

Blogging can be a lot more complicated than it sounds. Some blogger roles have workers simply writing content based on an assignment given to them by an editor. These can be specialist in nature or they may be more general, tapping into a company’s need to track well on search results. Other blogging roles can have the employee planning and researching what’s needed from an article, pinpointing where a company would benefit best from new content, and writing it up.

Some blogging content can take a matter of an hour or two while others can take weeks of planning and research. It all depends on the kind of role it is and the pay involved too. Some smaller roles may even involve bloggers figuring it all out for themselves although these are generally the less paid roles.

Whatever type of blogging is involved, there are some core similarities. Writers need to be able to write well in the desired language, avoiding spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. While no formal qualifications are required usually, it’s important to be able to motivate one’s self as well as be able to keep on top of the latest trends. Some basic CMS knowledge such as knowing how to use WordPress or a similar program, as well as some basic image editing abilities, is often required also.

7. Freelance Editor

National Average Salary: $60,250

A great editor is able to turn the most mediocre of copy into something special. Even the best writers need a good editor to look over their work to check that it’s accurate and appealing to read. Work as a freelance editor is often varied. It typically involves reading, reviewing, and correcting writing extensively. That means a great eye for detail is vital, as well as a strong knowledge of spelling and grammar. It also often involves assigning new work, dealing with other freelance writers, and determining the general tone of the work for the website or service.

As the internet is international, it’s vital to be able to adapt to the requirements of other countries with the best money earned for editors that know multiple languages or cultures.

Freelance editing often fits well into most lifestyles being highly flexible. In some cases, receiving documents throughout the day means that the worker can pick and choose their hours, while others may need to work specific shifts to accommodate the needs of a website.

8. Technical Writer

National Average Salary: $59,267

As the name suggests, technical writing is different from regular writing. It’s often far more precise and accurate as it involves writing and editing manuals or procedural documents. A fantastic eye for detail is vital here as it’s incredibly important that the technical writer explains things in a clear and exact manner otherwise mistakes can be made by the person following the technical specifications.

Generally, a certain amount of research is required as well as going through multiple drafts to get things just right. Technical writing is not designed for writers who prefer to describe things creatively because much of it needs to be to the point and highly accurate.

In some cases, technical writers don’t require specific qualifications but it can be useful to have a degree in a related area as it highlights expertise in a subject that can get very complex. The requirements mostly vary depending on just how technical and niche the writing needs to be. It’s also often useful to have a portfolio of past successful technical writing to demonstrate you are able to follow a brief accurately.

9. Marketing Consultant

National Average Salary: $58,961

Working as a marketing consultant is something that can be easily done remotely thanks to video conferencing software and other collaborative measures. It typically involves formulating a plan for how to best position a product or service to a relevant client base. A mixture of meetings and planning is the core part of marketing consultancy. Also, workers need to have the ability to think imaginatively about how to achieve results, as well as keep up to date with the latest trends and developments.

In some cases, marketing consultation also involves working out how to best manage SEO campaigns to get the best response via Google searches. Knowledge of key tools like Semrush and CMS software such as WordPress is advantageous, as well as keeping up with the latest developments in search changes, marketing methods, and the product area one is working in.

Marketing consultancy doesn’t always require qualifications relating to the subject with transferrable skills more important. Sometimes like a combination between sales and writing, it’s important to be able to juggle multiple disciplines effectively.

10. Social Media Manager

National Average Salary: $55,117

A social media manager often works as part of a team of marketing staff. The role of a social media manager is to help promote a product, business, or website via social media. This can include posting content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or even creating videos for Tik Tok. It’s important to be able to adapt to different trends as well as keep on top of popular memes or changes in the social media world.

The best social media presence is one that interacts appropriately with its client or follower base. Depending on the product, this can involve being light hearted with followers or being more professional depending on the needs of a business. Social media managers typically liaise with a business to work out what suits the needs most, before coordinating a strategy that attracts the right kind of attention.

No specific qualifications are required but it is important to be extremely knowledgeable about the internet, be able to keep up with any changes to how social media works, as well as have the right attitude to know how to deal with the public.

11. Proofreader

National Average Salary: $54,520

A proofreader works in a similar way to a freelance editor but the role is far more specific. In each case, a proofreader is assigned documentation or articles to read through, determining if the content is well-written and grammatically sound.

Unlike an editor, a proofreader rarely alters any of the content or suggests any changes. Instead, they focus purely on the information they are given rather than looking at the bigger picture of what a company requires from content. Because of its nature, proofreading is often paid on an hourly basis but it’s relatively simple work for anyone who is able to spot typos and grammatical issues quickly.

One significant advantage is that proofreading rarely requires any qualifications. While certification in the primary language can be helpful, recruitment is often conducted through tests to check one’s accuracy and speed. For certain types of proofreading such as for the medical or legal profession, it can be helpful to have related qualifications to fully understand the material being read. It’s a role that most people can fit into their lives, especially if they undertake contract work that can often be conducted at any time of day.

12. Graphic Designer

National Average Salary: $50,227

If you have a sharp eye for creating graphics or videos, there is always extensive design work available to talented individuals. Graphics work can be as simple as some basic photo editing or Photoshop knowledge, right up to creating extensive new pieces for a website or company logo. Video work is similar. It can sometimes involve tweaking or editing a video in a minor way, or it can be as advanced as creating a full trailer for a new product.

Both graphics and video work are often very varied with opportunities typically coming piecemeal unless you become part of an in-house team. Frequently self-taught, a strong portfolio of previous work is often more important to acquiring a job than qualifications.

Like many of the jobs here, pay varies extensively depending on your level of expertise. While basic video or graphics work can be quite low-paying, the more advanced elements often pay very well. Expect to work your way up the field by taking on increasingly more challenging work.

13. Bookkeeper

National Average Salary: $45,446

A bookkeeper tracks and handles the financial record keeping of a business. While accountancy may require qualifications, bookkeeping does not require formal certification. Instead, knowledge of accounting software and a mathematical and methodical mind is sufficient for bookkeeping purposes.

Common tasks involve creating and posting journal entries in bookkeeping software to monitor financial transactions, along with reconciling accounts, potentially processing payrolls, and invoicing customers or clients for a business. It’s important to be organized in your approach as well as be able to check the records of two different accounts when needed, so as to spot errors or discrepancies.

Many firms prefer to hire remote bookkeepers as they can pay them at an hourly or contract rate. Such flexibility works well for many workers as it can become quite profitable thanks to being able to scale well alongside your other responsibilities in life. For instance, many bookkeepers are able to start out with one client before growing that to include numerous other businesses. All that is really required is a methodical nature, a responsible attitude, and a good mind for math skills.

14. Online Tutor

National Average Salary: $40,391

If you have an educational background or you’re extensively knowledgeable in a particular field, tutoring roles can be a great way to make money while working online. Thanks to video conferencing software, tutors can conduct meetings with their pupils and students remotely, discussing particular issues. They can also send assignments and coursework via email so that students can keep up with the workload.

Online tutoring involves some flexibility but can often be fitted in amongst other aspects of your life. By assigning certain days or hours to tutorial meetings, an online tutor can then devote other hours to marking assignments and projects. Generally, an online tutor complements a more traditional educational experience with the student able to study up on a trouble area.

Becoming an online tutor requires some experience in the subject area with certifications and qualifications helping substantially here. However, in certain fields, or if a student simply wants to learn more about something recreationally, can mean that an online tutor does not require official qualifications.

15. Customer Service Representative

National Average Salary: $33,648

Customer service or online chat support is a steady income for many users. Rather than needing to work in a contact center to take calls or email support requests, many customer service roles have switched to remote working. From there, workers can deal with a multitude of tasks. Depending on the company they are working for, this can involve dealing with the general public or staff elsewhere.

Typically, customer service involves receiving calls either via VoIP software or by taking video conference calls. Queries may be as simple as answering a question about a product or solving a payment issue, so it’s important to be able to quickly adapt to different scenarios. At times, remotely connecting to another user’s PC may be helpful too when dealing with IT-related support issues.

It’s important to have a good attitude and to be helpful at all times. In many cases, no specialist skills are required but this can vary depending on the type of customer service required. Often shift work, it’s important to have the flexibility to be on call on occasion to be able to deal with email support issues promptly.

Editors’ Recommendations

Baker Russell: Russell Baker is a distinguished content writer at, recognized for his exceptional ability to craft engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a deep understanding of various subjects, Russell has earned a reputation as a top content creator in the digital landscape. His writing style combines thorough research with a reader-focused approach, ensuring even the most complex topics are presented in an accessible and engaging manner. Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality content consistently makes him a standout figure in the competitive realm of online writing.