2 Best Ayurvedic Face Packs Recipes for Fair Skin at Home

2 Best Ayurvedic Face Pack Recipes for Fair Skin at Home

Most importantly, the face packs for a fair skin are a brilliant Ayurvedic tradition How can Aruveda not help you with a blemish-free complexion, it is ancient, and probably the oldest system of healing in the world. After all, if you think of it, Ayurveda has a cure for everything, including fair skin. In fact, there are many ingredients explained in detail in the ancient scriptures that can be easily used to enhance skin complexion and help you achieve a fairer skin.

All the ingredients that are used in homemade Ayurvedic preparations and the ready-made ones, do a brilliant job at lightening the skin tone and make your skin radiant and completely blemish-free. It is highly effective and, at the same time, makes it extremely simple for us because of the beg for health aids that are available online and in speciality outlets or stores.

Turmeric (haridra) powder, sandalwood (chandan) powder, red sandalwood powder, manjistha, holy basil (tulsi), honey, lime juice, curd are some of the ingredients that, simply blended and used as face mask or gentle scrub, help you get rid of melanin, and make your skin tone lighter.

Are you looking for a fair and flawless skin? Here are 2 homemade face packs will help you in achieving fair and blemish-free skin. 1. Mix Besan, curd and turmeric in the ratio of 3:3:2. It’s a magical combination in enhancing fairness and toning skin as well. Let the pack dry and wash it. Repeat the same again. 2. Tomato, cucumber, curd, gram flour. Squeeze proper quantities as required to attain desired effects.

Ayurvedic Face Pack with Raktchandan and Manjistha

How to Prepare this Face Pack for Fairness:

Take one teaspoonful of raktchandan (red sandalwood) and some manjistha powder.

Mix both of these well with milk or rose water.

Add a couple of drops of lime juice to enhance the efficiency.

Mix the ingredients well to form a fine paste.

Apply this mixture on a cleansed face.

Let it dry for 20 minutes, then wash off with cold water.


Use this Ayurvedic face pack twice a week for best results.


A phytochemical remedy for dry skin, red sandalwood is heralded for skin complexion, allergies and blemishes. The bark, too has a calming effect and eliminates harmful bacteria that lead to pimples and fungal acne, giving the skin a smooth and acne-free finish.

Manjistha: Effective in healing the skin, makes skin colour fairer and removes dark spots left by acne and pimples; one of the most potent herbs for skin-fairness.

Ayurvedic Face Pack with Haridra, Sandalwood, and Rose Petals

Another Good Ayurvedic face pack to increase skin complexion is sandalwood with turmeric and rose petals which has powerful ingredients for making skin fair and clear.

How to Prepare this Fair Skin Pack:

Take one teaspoonful of sandalwood powder and add 2-3 pinches of haridra (turmeric) powder.

Grind or crush 5-6 rose petals and mix them with the other two ingredients.

Make a paste of all the ingredients with rose water or plain water.

Smear it over your face and wash it off with plain water 20 minutes later.


Use this Ayurvedic face pack at least once a week for maximum benefits.


Sandalwood: That is why it’s also great for irritated or burnt (say, sunburn) skin.

Haridra (Turmeric): Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties that treat acne and improve skin health.

Rose Petals: To make the general complexion of the face more rosy, and to make the skin whiter.


With the regular and frequent use of these Ayurvedic majjas, lasting results are achieved in making your skin look better without getting toxicated with the kinds of side-effects generally associated with the chemical-laden soaps and creams. Patience is indeed a virtue in the event of any remedy beginning to work, and similarly in the present case, it is important to continue using the packs daily.

Also remember that many of these remedies are natural, and it takes some time before you see results. Indeed, consistency is the key to allowing them to do their work. Good luck and stay healthy inside and out, as you explore the benefits of Ayurvedic skin care.

Tips Clear: Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.
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