4 Natural Hair Oil to deal with Hair Problems

4 Natural Hair Oil to deal with Hair Problems

4 Natural Hair Oil to deal with Hair Problems

Let us ask you, how many of you have some hair problems, like hair loss, dandruff, thinning of hair, rough hair etc. We think most of us has got one or the other hair related problem. The hair problem can be as minor as frizziness to as major as hair loss excessively. Hair fall and hair loss can be hereditary and your genes play an important role in that. You can really not do anything for that honestly, but the other reasons for hair fall, hair loss can be due stress, lifestyle, improper diet and other factors. We think when we can’t do anything about the hereditary factors,  the other factors can still be tackled to put a stop on the hair fall and hair loss. We will be sharing how these 5 amazing herbal hair oils will make the hair problems go away and give you beautiful hair. The natural oils have full capability to fight hair problems.

Hair oils to control hair fall, hair loss, dandruff and roughness

1. Olive oil

4 Natural Hair Oil to deal with Hair Problems

This oil is not as popular in India as the other oils are most even though this may be slightly expensive, this gives extremely great results with dealing the hair problems like hair fall, dry rough hair and splits ends. Olive oil is fortified with the minerals and mono saturated fatty. This oil promotes the growth of new hair follicles and also prevents hair fall, makes the hair strands smoother with regular use.

How to use Olive oil

  • Take around ¼ cup of olive oil if you have long hair and less if you have short hair or for males.
  • Warm the olive oil a little bit and then using the finger tips, gently apply this oil on the scalp all over and on the hair strands as well.
  • Tie the hair and you can sleep with that. Keeping the olive oil overnight is good. Next day you can wash the hair with mild shampoo.

2. Almond oil

almond oil

The richest source of vitamin E is almond which will protect the scalp from getting dry and flaky. Pure almond oil is expensive as the almond oils that we get in the market are of mixed variety. They have almond oil mixed with some vegetable oil hence use pure almond oil made with the cold pressing technique. Such almond oil or any oil used by cold pressing is known as extra virgin oils. So, apply almond oil on the scalp and massage gently. You should never massage the hair with abrasive or harsh hand movements as that can lead to more hair fall. This makes weaker hair strands to come out, so be gentle. Keep that for at least 2-3 hours or overnight, and then wash the hair with shampoo.

3. Coconut oil

coconut oil

Coconut oil is by far the most popular oil to massage the hair. In south India, girls and women love to apply coconut oil which makes their hair thicker, shinier and controls hair fall. This oil is very readily available in India so, you should not get an excuse. To boost the power of coconut oil in controlling hair fall and hair loss, some amount of olive oil can also be mixed.

The method of using is same as that we have mentioned above so we will not repeat this. But you need to make sure that you try massaging with coconut oil at least 2-3 times in a week. This will actually make the dandruff problem manageable.

4. Castor oil

4 Natural Hair Oil to deal with Hair Problems

Castor oil is a good source of fatty acids, mineral and triglycerides. This helps in hair regrowth and this oil may seems very thick in nature and texture but very easy to wash off from the scalp.

Just like the other oils you can warm it up a little bit then massage the hair. Warming the oils make them more permeable in the scalp and they will also be easily spread on the scalp and hair hence. Warm oils have their own set of benefits.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.