5 Best Homemade Detanning Face Packs Remedies For Tan Free Skin

homemade detanning face packs and home remedies

With the onset of summers, most of us get worried about sun tanning, whenever we step out in sun. Sun tanning is dreaded in India more because of the skin darkening and least for the sun damage that is caused to the skin. There are several detanning and anti tanning skin whitening facials but that is also true that those can be quite expensive. This is why once can always go for herbal methods or home remedies to remove the tanning with these detanning face packs and masks.

These anti tanning facial mask are natural and will help you to lighten the darkness on the skin which is due to excessive sun exposure. Teenagers or college going students are the ones who face this problem a lot before going ahead with the remedies, I would suggest that you take a look at the best sunscreen lotions in India. I am saying this because, when you apply sunscreens your skin gets less tan.

Why Sun Tanning Happens?

Sun tanning happens as the skin melanin levels goes up which causes skin to get darker in appearance and complexion. But why the melanin production boosts when we are in the sun. This is actually to help the skin protect from damage and for presenting the skin from skin cancer. So, the more sun exposure you get the more melanin is produced. This is why usage of sunscreens over the face and body is so important as it helps the skin to stay protected from sun’s harmful rays and to prevent the skin color from getting darker.

Homemade Detanning Face Packs Recipes

Here we will share some face packs and mask for detanning your skin that can be made at home conveniently by men and women.

1. Tomato and Curd Detanning Face Mask

  • Take 1 teaspoonful of curd in a small bowl and cut a medium sized tomato and squeeze the juice of half tomato in the curd.
  • You can use the rest of the tomato for salads or in dishes as there is no need to waste any food item. :)
  • Then, mix the curd and tomato juice.
  • Apply this face mask evenly on the skin and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash the face with normal water.
  • This pack will help to remove the tan from face quickly.

This is the best face pack for tanned skin that takes off the sun tan and brings back the natural color of your skin. This can be tried 3 times in a week for best results for all skin types.

2. Lemon Juice and Honey Detanning Face Pack

  • Mix 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey and apply this on the face.
  • This is the quantity enough for the face but if you wish to use this anti tan pack for body skin then just increase the amount.
  • You can apply on your legs, hands and back etc
  • Apply this facial pack on the face and wash after 30 minutes.

This has to be done every other day to keep the skin free of tan and for the removal or any sun tan on your skin. It’s like an anti-tan pack for your face, hands, legs and other body parts. Lemon juice will gently bleach the skin and make your skin look fairer as well while honey will impart glow. This too is suitable for all skin types.

3. Oatmeal Detan Face Pack for Dry Skin

  • Take 2 teaspoonful of oatmeal and mix 6 teaspoonful of milk in it.
  • You need to take that in a small bowl or katori. Keep this for 5 minutes.
  • This is essential to let the oatmeal soaked up with milk and swell up.
  • Now use this oatmeal pack on your face and let it get dry for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash your face by gently scrubbing the skin.

If you’re thinking how to detan your skin? This will eliminate the sun tan and will also exfoliate the skin for and extra glow. This is a good detan pack for all skin types but best pack for dry skin in summers and winters.

detanning afce mask and packs

Daily Home Remedies for Detanning Skin

Apart from the face packs and masks, there are certain easy to do daily remedies that you have to perform daily after coming back from sun. Like in the evening or after having your dinner, you can use these. So, that the sun tan doesn’t get difficult to remove. These daily recipes can be tried by boys and girls both. Let’s check these tips to remove tan from face and body.

1. Take some tomato juice and rub on the skin like a face lotion. This can be applied on the face, neck, hands and legs etc. Wait for 15 minutes then wash it.

2. Squeeze half a lemon and in that juice add some rose water. Apply this on the tanned skin like face and body. Then rinse after 15 minutes. This too should be done daily in the evening. This removes the tan which collects on the skin daily thus, your skin will stay tan free and there will not be any darkening.

3. Take a small piece of banana and rub on the face. Keep this for 15 minutes, then wash your face. This remedy is best detanning recipe for dry facial skin.

4. Rub a piece of papaya slice on your face everyday. Leave for 10 minutes then wash off. This will make the skin color stay fairer in summers and doesn’t allow sun tanning.

You can also check the best glowing skin summer face packs for all skin types

Homemade Detanning Face and Body Pck for Tan-free Skin

Here is a recipe of detanning pack for the body. You will need:

  • Masoor dal powder
  • Besan
  • Milk
  • Turmeric
  • Lemon juice

How to prepare this detanning pack

  1. Mix 3 teaspoonful of masoor dal powder with 3 teaspoonful of besan in a bowl.
  2. Add 3 teaspoonful of lemon juice or squeeze and entire lemon into it.
  3. Add ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric powder.
  4. Now, using some milk, mix the pack and make sure that the quantity is slightly loose.
  5. Medium to loose consistency pack gets applied on your face and body really well.
  6. Apply this anti tan pack and wait for it to get dry then, wash with cold water.
  7. This is ideal for once in a week for getting tan free skin.

You must also take a look at our Ubtan besan face pack for fairness

Tips for tan free skin (detanning the skin)

  1. Always use sunscreen with SPF 20 at least when you go out in the sun.
  2. Drink 7-8 glasses of water so that the skin stays hydrated and skin doesn’t get parched.
  3. If possible avoid going out when the sun rays are more direct like between 12- 3 pm.
  4. Use the detanning treatments stated above either the daily one or the ones that you should do 3 times in a week.
  5. Use lip balms with SPF to prevent lips getting sun damage.

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