5 Most Common Accidents in The Workplace & How to Prevent Them

Workplace accidents continue to happen despite improved safety management efforts, scientific and technical progress, not to mention increased societal demands for better working conditions. Not all accidents are preventable, yet you can significantly reduce their number by fostering a culture of learning from mistakes. To prevent harm from happening, evaluate the safety risks in the workplace. Couple that knowledge with an action plan for accident prevention to make sure that your employees are as safe as can be. 

In what follows, we present the most commonly reported accidents and the workplace. Read on to find out what actions can be taken to reduce them. 

“size-large wp-image-133978″ src=”https://www.tipsclear.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Workplace-accidents-1-1024×683.jpg” alt=”Workplace accidents” width=”640″ height=”427″ /> Workplace accidents
  1. Slips, Trips, And Falls

Slips, trips, and falls are the most common causes of injuries at work and can happen to anyone. In most cases, major incidents result in broken bones, which are associated with time away from work. The leading causes of slips, trips, and falls are: 

  • Poor lighting. You can’t see obstacles and obstructions. Even worse, you can’t avoid them. The chances of a serious injury are likely. Even with bannisters in place, there’s still the risk of a slip, trip, and fall occurring.
  • Trailing cables. The cables you use might get into someone’s way. If cables and wires aren’t adequately managed and they’re allowed to trail across the office or factory floor, accidents are bound to happen.
  • Wet/slippery floors. Slips take place when the floor is wet with water (or contaminated with food products). After slipping on a wet/slippery floor, an employee might consider taking legal action.
  • Uneven floor surfaces. An uneven floor is any floor that sags, bounces, or slopes. The issue should be solved as quickly as possible, before an accident has a chance to happen.
  • Poor housekeeping. Poor workplace housekeeping practices contribute to incidents. Paper, debris, clutter, and spills all pose a threat to employee safety. Cleaning up regularly can reduce the incidence of slips, trips, and falls.

Slips, trips, and falls are often attributed to clumsiness and carelessness. The fact is that the situation within the workplace has the potential to cause injury and distress. 

  1. Road Traffic Accidents

The incidence of work-related car accidents has risen. Individuals who drive as part of their jobs are exposed to negligent drivers, not to mention severe or harsh weather conditions and faulty automotive equipment. The employer can be found at fault for the vehicle accident for the employee’s reckless actions. The Personal Injury Claims Care specialists point out that the victim can sue the employer, even if the accident takes place outside the company’s premises. Nonetheless, exceptions exist. It’s recommended to consult with a solicitor and discuss your unique situation. A personal injury claim can lead to compensation that goes well beyond what you can afford. 

Inspect tires, breaks, lights, and mechanicals on a regular basis to identify problems on time. Regular inspections and maintenance will raise flags if there’s any work that needs to be done. Enforce proper driving behaviour. More precisely, make employees aware of the fact that it’s not a good idea to use cell phones or other electronic devices when driving, as it can distract their attention. They should obey traffic laws, understand how to check for blind spots when changing lanes, and master defensive driving skills. It doesn’t matter if you manage a fleet of vehicles, oversee a mobile sales force, or just have commuting workers, you need to implement a driver safety program. 

  1. Overexertion & Muscle Strains

Many occupations require repetitive and continuous activities. At times, we overdo it. The work takes a toll on the mind and body, which in turn results in overexertion. Overexertion can lead to pain, discomfort, and even injury. Symptoms can include swelling, numbness, stiffness, and chronic pain. Please make sure the people in your organisation don’t push themselves too hard for too long. Offer more time off as part of your benefits and perks plan. Most importantly, set objectives with realistic timelines. Employees should work less and achieve more. Let people know that you don’t expect them to work ahead.  

Muscle effort increases in response to high-performance requirements. Chronic muscle strains can result in repetitive injuries when the person does the same thing time and time again. Train your employees on how to perform physical tasks correctly and make sure they receive frequent breaks. A muscle strain is excruciating and impacts a person’s ability to work. An employee can submit a workers’ compensation claim for a muscle sprain. Workers’ compensation covers medical costs, lost wages, and occupational therapy. 

  1. Electrocution

Workers can suffer electrocution-related injuries such as severe burns, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, and heart rhythm problems. Identify electrical hazards and make sure to warn people about the dangers. In some cases, electrocution can lead to death. As an employer and a leader, you’re responsible for protecting your workers. Provide personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, non-conducting clothes, protective shields) and offer first aid training, which helps employees learn to be more conscious of safety in the workplace. The more people know about safety, the better equipped they’ll be to respond to emergencies. 

  1. Violence By People/Animals

Workplace violence is any act of physical violence. As much as we like to think that fighting doesn’t exist, it happens. When people engage in an uncordial relationship, you should address the issue right away. Tension and stress can result in aggressive behaviour. Have a written zero-tolerance policy against workplace violence and provide training so that people understand what you’re looking for, what to report, and what to do if an incident occurs. If you’re in way over your head, it’s recommended to ask for help. You’re in a difficult situation, and you can’t get out of it without some assistance, preferably from the outside. 

Injury caused by animals can be a concern for someone working on, say, a farm. Workers have to learn to deal with potential hazards through practical training and behaviour modification. Also, when working with animals, it’s essential to wear proper attire and stay alert at all times. Animals are unpredictable. In an emergency, call for an ambulance.

Anju Sharma: Anju Sharma is a distinguished content writer at TipsClear.com, known for her expertise in crafting engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a strong command over diverse topics, Anju has established herself as one of the best-known content creators in the digital space. Her work seamlessly blends in-depth research with a reader-friendly approach, making complex subjects easily accessible and enjoyable for her audience. Anju’s passion for writing and her commitment to delivering high-quality content consistently set her apart in the competitive world of online content creation.