50 Video Marketing Statistics 2022 Strategy

Video Marketing Statistics: Video is no longer an up-and-coming content strategy. It’s here, and it’s an increasingly powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers and prospects. Video content isn’t just effective, the demand for it is growing at an impressively rapid pace.

Video marketing can help you achieve a variety of objectives, including building brand awareness, generating leads, and even closing deals. But before you get started, it’s important to understand the latest video marketing statistics so you can create a strategy that sets you up for success. Here are some of the most important video marketing statistics to keep in mind:

“wp-image-138895 size-full” title=”Video Marketing Statistics” src=”https://www.tipsclear.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Video-Marketing-Statistics.jpg” alt=”Video Marketing Statistics” width=”1000″ height=”563″ /> Video Marketing Statistics

-Video will make up 82% of all online traffic by 2021 (Cisco).
-The average person spends 100 minutes watching online videos every day (Zenith Media).
-64% of consumers say watching a marketing video on Facebook has influenced a purchase decision in the last month (Buffer).
-81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool (HubSpot Video Marketing Statistics).
-80% of marketers say video increased their organic reach on social media (HubSpot Video Marketing Statistics).
-51% of marketers say video converts better than any other type of

Video Marketing Statistics



General Video Marketing Stats

  1. 36% of marketers say the primary goal of their company’s video marketing efforts is to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences.
  2. 37% of companies exclusively create video content in-house, 14% rely on an agency, and 49% share a mix of both in-house and agency-created video content.
  3. 69% of marketers say their company owns the production equipment used to create video content.
  4. The most popular video editing software is Adobe Premiere Pro, which is used by 61% of marketers.
  5. 44% of marketers use an iPhone as their primary camera for video content.
  6. 88% of companies surveyed have a team dedicated to creating video content, and 45% of companies with dedicated video support have a team of two to five people.
  7. 81% of marketers say their primary company has a budget specifically for video marketing, and 52% of marketers said their video marketing budget remained the same for 2022.
  8. 42% of marketers surveyed say creating video content through an outside agency has resulted in better videos.
  9. 69% of marketers claim the biggest benefit of creating video content in-house is having more creative control and flexibility.
  10. When asked what the biggest benefit of working with an agency to create video content is, 68% of marketers point to higher-quality videos that look more professional.
  11. 77% of marketers say their company uses YouTube to host marketing videos.
  12. 14% of marketers say their company spends between $7,000 to $10,000 to produce a video.
  13. When asked how long it takes to create a marketing video from start to finish, 30% of marketers say it takes two weeks.
  14. According to 65% of marketers, production (filming, lighting, and audio) is the most expensive part of the video creation process.
  15. 38% of marketers say pre-production (ideation, writing the script, and casting) is the most time-consuming part of the video creation process.
  16. 74% of companies optimize videos for silent auto-play.
  17. 78% of companies leverage accessibility features in video content. The most common accommodation is video captioning, which is used by 65% of companies.
  18. 31% of brands publish two to four videos per month.
  19. 29% of companies started prioritizing video marketing in 2019.
  20. When asked what the three biggest challenges are when creating video content, the top responses were lack of time to create video content (39%), difficulty creating an effective video strategy (33%), and inadequate budget to create video content (31%).

Video Marketing Performance Stats

  1. According to marketers the top three most important factors for creating effective video content are capturing viewers’ attention in the first few seconds (36%), effectively promoting videos (36%), and keeping videos concise (33%).
  2. The most effective video promotion strategies according to marketers are promoting videos on social media platforms (63%), adding videos to the company website or blog, optimizing the title and description for SEO, and running paid ads for videos (47%).
  3. 44% of marketers describe creating video content as somewhat easy.
  4. 59% of marketers found video marketing to be somewhat effective for reaching their company’s overall business goals.
  5. 47% of marketers say video marketing is moderately important to the overall marketing strategy at their company.
  6. 55% of marketers claim video marketing has an average ROI, and 41% of marketers report video marketing having a high ROI.
  7. 32% of marketers found the most effective way to generate leads from marketing videos is to place links to landing pages on social media video ads.
  8. The top metrics marketers use when measuring video content performance are view count (44%), watch time (43%), and engagement (41%).
  9. 36% of marketers say the optimal length of a marketing video is one to three minutes.
  10. 39% of marketers report that short-form videos generate the biggest ROI.
  11. 64% of marketers surveyed claim say the optimal length of a short-form marketing video is 20-60 seconds.
  12. 41% of marketers found the average watch percentage of their short-form videos is between 61-80%.
  13. 26% of marketers say the optimal length of a live video is seven to nine minutes.
  14. 40% of marketers claim the biggest benefit of creating video content is to help customers understand its products and services. 36% of marketers say the biggest benefit of video content is that it gets more engagement than other types of marketing.
  15. 68% of marketers say content showcasing their products and services generates the biggest ROI.
  16. Per 63% of marketers, content related to cultural moments and news stories generates the most video engagement.
  17. 59% of marketers have created a video that has gone viral.
  18. According to marketers, the most important factors in creating a viral video are making relatable content (28%), keeping videos short (27%), and capturing viewers’ attention in the first few seconds (26%).
  19. 24% of marketers say funny content is most likely to go viral.

Social Media Video Marketing Stats

  1. According to 58% of marketers, short-form videos (such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts), are the main video format they leverage in their roles.
  2. The top channels for sharing or hosting marketing videos are social media (76%), blog or website (55%), email (44%), and Vimeo (31%).
  3. 67% of marketers say sharing marketing videos on social media (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok) has the biggest ROI.
  4. The top social media platform for sharing videos is YouTube (70%), followed by Instagram (60%) and TikTok (35%).
  5. 54% of companies plan on increasing their investment in videos for TikTok this year.
  6. 64% of marketers say their company has the highest engagement when sharing marketing videos on Instagram.
  7. According to marketers, the top social media platforms for generating leads from videos are Instagram (66%) and YouTube (59%).
  8. 56% of brands plan on increasing their investment in videos for Instagram this year.
  9. When posting marketing videos on social media, 55% of marketers say they leverage a mix of organic and paid content.
  10. 27% of marketers said YouTube is the platform they plan to invest the most in for sharing marketing videos in 2022.
  11. When comparing the two platforms, 78% of marketers said YouTube was more effective for reaching overall business goals, compared to 8% of marketers who felt Vimeo was more effective for reaching business goals.

As online platforms and consumer habits trend towards video, brands will need to invest in the medium to keep the attention of audiences and grow their reach.

Baker Russell: Russell Baker is a distinguished content writer at TipsClear.com, recognized for his exceptional ability to craft engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a deep understanding of various subjects, Russell has earned a reputation as a top content creator in the digital landscape. His writing style combines thorough research with a reader-focused approach, ensuring even the most complex topics are presented in an accessible and engaging manner. Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality content consistently makes him a standout figure in the competitive realm of online writing.