7 Best Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation Cure

Home remedies for hyperpigmentation cure treatment

Natural Homemade Cures for hyper-pigmentation

Hyper-pigmentation can be caused due to sun damage on the skin. It can also be caused due to skin aging, pregnancy etc. Whatever may be the cause the solution can be found with the home remedies. Home remedies like natural face packs helps to remove the hyper-pigmentation on the face. To prevent skin discoloration and patchy tone it is also important that you should apply sunscreens and creams regularly to minimize the sun damage and premature aging. Hyper-pigmentation is commonly seen on the jaw line and cheeks on the nose as well. Here are homemade tips for hyper-pigmentation.

1. Onion juice for hyper-pigmentation cure

Onion juice is a good remedy to control and to fade the hyper pigmentation. Take thin slices of onions and rub these over the hyper pigmented areas on the face. Sulphur in the onions will helps to lighten the darkness of the hyper-pigmentation and soon the skin becomes even toned.

Another remedy for hyper pigmentation with onion is by mixing onion juice with honey. Honey too helps to fade the hyper-pigmentation for a flawless skin. Take one teaspoonful of onion juice and add equal amount of honey in it. Mix and apply on the hyper pigmentation on the face. Keep this for 15 minutes. Rinse with normal water. Try this every day for relief in the hyper-pigmentation.

2. Besan Ubtan for patches and pigmentation

You may have seen ubtan applied to the Indian brides. Ubtan is a wonderful remedy for hyper pigmentation and sun tanning. It makes skin fair and imparts a glow before the marriage. Prepare a ubtan for hyper pigmentation by mixing 1 teaspoonful of besan, ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoonful of rice flour, ½ teaspoonful of honey and make a paste of all that with some milk.

Apply that on the face and let it get dry. When it gets dry scrub it off and then wash with water. Try this 2 times in a week to get rid of the pigmentation on the face.

Also read: How to get perfect skin at home

3. Mustard for hyper-pigmentation cure

Take one teaspoonful of yellow mustard and soak them in water at night. The next day, grind them to make a paste but with milk not water. Use thus milk and mustard paste on the face and keep this for 20 minutes. Try this 3 times in a day and this will decrease the pigmentation on the cheeks, nose and jaw line. This also removes blemishes like black spots on face and age spots.

4. Papaya for pigmentation removal

Papaya with the enzyme papain is one of the best cures to remove the hyper pigmentation on the face. Take a thin slice of papaya and rub that on the face everyday. Wash after 10 minutes. This will show great results with the hyper-pigmentation. [ Home remedies for age spots removal ] You have to do this at least 2 times in a week. Always exfolite teh skin 2-3 times in a week for getting better and fattier results in this condition.

5. Strawberries for pigmentation

The anti-oxidants in this fruit helps to lighten the marks and discoloration faster. It’ll also help you in getting rid of teh lines and wrinkles as well. Make sure you sue sun lotions during the day time. Take a strawberry and mash it to make a smooth pulp. Apply that on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash with normal water. Try this everyday for glowing skin and to fade the hyper-pigmentation on skin.

6. Apricot for dark pigmentation treatment

Apricots have enzymes which help to reduce the intensity and darkness of the hyper-pigmentation on the face and body. It also help to remove the skin darkness and tanning in summers. Take apricot and mash it well. Add some honey in it and apply on the face for 10 minutes wash with normal water. Try this everyday for pigmentation removal. If your skin feels sensitive then add some extra honey in it.

Also read: Tips to protect skin from sun damage

7. Milk to fade pigmentation on face

Milk enzymes and milk proteins are also great to treat the hyper-pigmentation on the face. Take some milk and using a cotton ball, apply that on the face at night. Wash the face next morning. Using milk just on the hyper-pigmented areas on the face is sufficient no need to apply on the entire face.

Try these quick and easy natural tips to cure the hyper-pigmentation on the face. These tips don’t have side effects and will effectively reduce the pigmentation.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.