7 tricks and hints for a hot tan that is safe

7 tricks and hints for a hot tan that is safe

7 tricks: The way to improve and prolong your tan without damaging your skin. While we enjoy faking (not bake) our tans, there are lots of reasons why we love the sun. It boosts levels of serotonin (nature’s Valium, proven to relieve stress. Not only that but it produces vitamin D which is not bad for teeth, bones, and skin. But to avoid premature aging and skin cancer risks you need to take care of a safe, sun-kissed glow.

1. Always prevent sunbeds

Do not fall for the myth peddled by some salons that they can give you a ‘healthy’ suntan with a sunbed. “It’s the incorrect UV – tanning beds pump out huge quantities of UVA and practically no UVB (which stimulates vitamin D), and can raise your risk of skin cancer by 75%,” says Dr. Nick Lowe.

7 tricks hot tan Tanning Tips

2. Apply the sunblock that is appropriate

Do not just rely on SPF; on the bottle, you need to look for the term ‘broad spectrum’ or the UVA symbol plus the word ‘high.’ We urge La Roche-Posay Anthelios.

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Go for SPF30 over SPF50. “It filters 97% of UVB rays, while SPF50 filters 98%. The latter can give a false sense of protection and can be so chalky you may not reapply it every two hours as you should. If you have very dark skin  SPF15 is satisfactory.

3. Comprehend your tanning time

Your skin reaches tanning cut off point when it can not create any more melanin, the tanning pigment, so it is not pointed to lounge by the pool all day. “Everyone has their melanin cut-off, generally two to three hours or much less if you’ve got fair skin” Dr. Nick Lowe. Following this, you’re merely subjecting your skin to the danger of UV damage.

4. Seek some shadiness

“Taking breaks from the sun will reduce UV intensity and your sunburn danger and means your tan will be healthier and longer-surviving,” says Dr. Fran,k Schwanke, head of suncare R&D for Beiersdorf.

5. Swap ‘tan-accelerating’ lotions for supplements

Skin cancer authority Dr. Marko Lens says ‘tan-accelerating’ creme is BS. “Nothing you apply to your skin can enhance the production of melanin, skin’s protective dark pigment. But taking a day-to-day 25g beta- cretonne supplement can. It does not mean you need less sunscreen, but it boosts skin’s natural defense against UV by improving its ability to tan.”

Try Imedeen Tan Optimizer tablets which prepare the skin for the sun and shield cells from UV induced oxidative stress using a duo of antioxidants.

6. Eat sun-favorable foods

Specific foods are known to raise lycopene, the skin’s own SPF. Among the best s is tomato paste – Did someone say spag bol?

Dermatologist Dr. Samantha Bunting says “I’m a big fan of a group of antioxidants called polyphenols. Green tea is an excellent example. Sip it after a sushi lunch.” (Fish, rich in omega 3 has anti-inflammatory powers too).

While caffeine is thought to help cut your skin cancer risk dark chocolate is packed with flavonoids that can help protect against sunburn. “It is best taken in an espresso shot right before you reach the seashore,” she says.

7. Offered by fake suntan

Remember that artificial suntan provides no sunlight protection, but it can help by calming the first-day pale panic on you stop burning. Spray tan or finds the perfect one to use up of the most beautiful fake tans before the big bikini show treats.

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