8 Best Dumbell Excerices for Building Mass and Strength

Exercises with dumbbells are an excellent way to work your entire body, without the need for a lot of gym equipment. Dumbbells allow you to move in a three-dimensional plane. Find exercises for the arms, back, chest and upper body. They also target your lower body as well as your cardiovascular system. You don’t even need much space to do this dumbbell exercise.

Exercises with Dumbells

The flexibility of dumbbells makes them a great tool. With dumbbells, you can perform an entire body workout. Start at the top and work on your chest, arms, and shoulders with exercises like rows, incline benches, pullovers, and curls and presses. For the lower body pump up the large muscle groups with the goblet-squat and farmer’s walks. Finaly, exercises like dumbbell swings and thrusters work your upper body and lower at the same. You don’t even have to be jacked in order to benefit from this exercise. Start with dumbbells that are lighter and increase resistance gradually as you get stronger.

1. Curl and Press

Curl and Press is the first exercise. The compound exercise allows you to move your biceps and shoulders, which results in both pushes and pulls. As you move through the exercise, your biceps will be fully contracted and extended, and the shoulders engaged. You will need two dumbbells with weights that can be pressed and cranked above the head. To build muscle, it is important to use heavy weights.


  • Standing/sitting with feet slightly wider than your hips apart. Back straight, core engaged.
  • Keep your arms at your side and hold one dumbell each in both hands.
  • Both weights should be lifted in the form of a biceps curl.
  • As you reach the top, press the weight over your head.
  • Lower the weight to your shoulders with control. Next, lower yourself from your curl back to your side.

Sets: 2-3Reps: 10-12


2. The Goblet Squat

The next dumbbell workout is the goblet squat. You can use the crush grip in order to make the activity more challenging and ensure you are training as an athlete. In a normal goblet-squat, the upper part of your body remains passive. A crush-grip activates the upper body by activating your chest, delts and traps. Goblet squats already work the quads and hamstrings as well as the glutes and the delts. The goblet-squats also allow you to fall into your center of gravity which can be helpful for those who struggle with their form.


  • Toes slightly pointed out, start with feet just slightly wider than the hip width apart. Keep your head and shoulders up.
  • You will hold dumbbells in the middle, unlike a goblet squat. You can also squeeze together your hands by interlacing your fingers. You will be able to engage your upper body by doing this. Maintain a tight grip throughout.
  • Squat down until your knees reach 90 degrees.
  • If you want to check the form of your posture, bend your hips and push your butt forward, while keeping your chest raised. You can find your center of gravity by balancing the weight and bending at the hips.
  • Return to standing after driving up the floor.
  • Concentrate on lifting the weight in a straight-line. Move your hips, chest and core as a unit. You’ll be sure to avoid accidentally swinging backwards or forwards.

Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-12


3. Dumbbell Pullover

Dumbbell pullovers, also known as upper-body squats, are an excellent way to tone your upper body. This is a versatile exercise, which allows you to target either your back muscles or upper chest. It’s a minor difference, with only a small change to grip and elbow positioning. By changing your emphasis between sets, you can work the chest as well as the back. You’ll need only one dumbbell for this exercise.


  • Set yourself up in a bench or box that will not move.
  • Place your upper body perpendicular to the bench. The weight of your body should be evenly distributed across both shoulders. Your feet should be flat on the floor, your knees at 90 degrees, and your core engaged. Look like you are standing on a flat surface.
  • The mechanics are the same whether you want to exercise your back or chest.
  • As you hold the dumbbell, extend your arms out straight from your chest.
  • Keep your arms straight but do not lock your elbows.
  • Return the dumbbell to its starting position by bringing it back with the control.
  • As you lift the weight, squeeze your hands and work them together. Your elbows should be tucked.
  • To work your upper back you can also allow the elbows to slightly flare and then lead the way as you lift the weight. The lats are activated by shifting the pulling from the hands to the elbows.

Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-12


4. Farmers Walk

Farmers’ Carriers are the perfect solution for anyone who has to get groceries in the house “one way or die trying”. Holding a dumbbell as heavy as possible in each hand and walking is the best way to do it. This sounds easy, but it’s a great full-body exercise. The addition of the movements in the lower-body forces you to stabilize and engage your core with every shift in weight. You’ll also get a more intense workout because of the added weight. To help you carry the weight, your larger muscles of your mid and upper back, along with upper arms, will step in.


  • Two dumbbells of the most heavy weight that you can handle.
  • As you hold one each in your hands, keep your arms at your sides.
  • You can walk anywhere. Just walk. You can also do laps if your space is limited. Keep your core and body engaged.
  • Continue walking as long as you can. To avoid breaking tiles or toes as well as floorboards and broken toes you’ll need to remove the weights before they completely fail.

Sets: 2-3
Repeat: Walking until grip fails.


5. Thrusters

The Dumbbell Thrusters is a great workout that works the entire body. This punishing dumbbell set can be used as either a building exercise or a metabolism one depending on what weight you select. For a great cardio and metabolic experience, use lighter weights and more reps. You can also load the weights and do fewer reps of power to gain mass. Your ability to press will determine the weight you choose.


  • Select two dumbbells of the appropriate weight.
  • Standing with feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your back straight, core engaged.
  • Hold the weights up at chest level.
  • Keep dumbbells in chest-height and lower yourself into a squat.
  • Check your form by bending your hips and pushing your butt forward, while keeping your chest raised.
  • Return to standing after driving up the floor. You’ll keep up the momentum and press the dumbbells into shoulder presses, fully extending both arms.
  • Return the weights to chest level and immediately return to a squat.

Sets: 2-3
Reps : 6-12 depending on the goal.


6. One-Arm Inclined Dumbell Bench

Turn a standard incline dumbbell exercise into an one-armed workout to challenge your core. The incline dumbbell press is a fantastic exercise. By only using one arm, your abs and obliques will learn to deal with gravity as well as the weight of the dumbbell pulling them to one side. To prevent rolling, keep your back on the table, and get the weight to rise, you need to use your core muscles and your obliques.


  • Sit on the inclined bench and ensure that you maintain a good posture. Keep your glutes engaged, your feet on the ground, and push into the bench.
  • Grab the dumbbell with one hand and hold it in an upward grip.
  • Then, push that arm up. Keep your lower back and torso on the bench straight. There shouldn’t any twisting.
  • Your elbow should be slightly in front of your body.
  • Try keeping your arm tucked behind your chest so that your upper body is balanced.
  • Start with one side and then move on to the other.

Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-12


7. Swings

Swinging dumbbells will get your legs and heart working. It is a great exercise to engage the posterior chain, work the glutes, and increase hip extension. The swing is a hip hinge, so you should focus more on tilting your hips than squatting and bending backwards. You can use lighter weights for more reps or heavier weights for less. Remember that as you increase the weight, you’ll be developing strength faster in your posterior chain. The heavier you are, the quicker you will elevate your heartrate and the more metabolic results you get.


  • Standing with feet at shoulder width apart, stand.
  • Grab the dumbbell by the end and hook your fingers around it.
  • Push your butt forward by bending your knees and tilting your hips. Maintain a straight back and chest. Swing the dumbbell between your legs as you perform this.
  • Next, drive your hips forward in a thrusting movement. Use the hips to lift dumbbells as your legs straighten.
  • Repeat in a continuous loop.

Sets: 2-3
Reps : 6-12 depending on the goal.


8. Tripod dumbbell rows

A tripod dumbbell rows is the final dumbbell workout for strength building. The dumbbell row differs in several ways from the regular dumbbell rows. You’re on your feet, which makes it more athletic. It also requires you to activate the entire body. Second, your support base is much wider, but the center of gravity remains in the middle. Thirdly, you’re holding the dumbbell further from your body in this row than you would with a conventional row. This increases your challenge to maintain your posture and keep it still.


  • You can also hold onto the bench with just one hand if you stand facing it. Set your feet wide, with toes facing forward. Bend your knees and lean your hips so that your butt sticks out.
  • With one hand, hold the dumbbell and with your other brace on the uprights of the inclined bench.
  • As you pull the weight towards your chest allow your elbows to be extended behind your body.
  • Releasing the weight with control will allow you to lower it again.
  • Keep your spine straight and avoid twisting.
  • Start with one side and then move on to the other.

Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-12


Dumbell Workout

With just two dumbbells, you can get a great full-body exercise at home. It’s a great routine for beginners, and it can even be performed in a small apartment. From head to toe, you’ll work your chest, your back, your biceps and triceps as well as your abs and core. You will also be targeting your glutes and hamstrings. You’ll perform a series of eight moves, plus a bonus. It should only take about 30 minutes, but you will be sweating by the time it’s over!


Push Up Row

  • Do a pushup while holding dumbbells that are on the floor.
  • Row with your arm at the top, keeping your elbow right above your torso.
  • While you are repeating the pushups alternate the arm that is rowing.
  • Continue 20 times (ten times per arm).

Goblet Squats

  • Sumo squat: Place your feet slightly wider than your hip width and hold the barbell under your chin.
  • As low as possible, squat down and drive your heels back up.
  • Repeat the 15-times rule.

Russian twist

  • Holding the dumbbell at both ends, use one dumbbell.
  • As you sit on the floor, lift your legs slightly while tilting your upper back 45 degrees.
  • The dumbbell should be moved from one side to the other by twisting the torso.
  • Repeat this 40 times.

Clean & Press

  • Standing with feet at shoulder width apart and dumbbells in both hands, sink down into a deep squat.
  • While pushing out of the squat you should bring dumbbells to your chest, keeping elbows bent. Catch the weight by doing a shallow, heavy squat.
  • As you drive up again, press the dumbbells above your shoulders, keeping your arms straight.
  • Repeat the 12th time.


  • Begin with both feet together, and one weight each in your hands.
  • Then, take a step backwards, dropping down into a lunge. After that, rise up and return to center while moving your back leg.
  • Repeat the same motion with your other leg.
  • Continue with the 14th step.

Rear Delt Flys

  • Standing with feet slightly apart and knees bent with hips tilted backwards so that your back is parallel to the ground, place your hands on your shoulders.
  • With your arms extended towards the ground, hold a dumbbell each in both hands.
  • Each arm should be pulled up (in the same direction) while opening your chest and contracting the muscle between the shoulder blades.
  • Repeat the 12th time.

Dumbbell Curls

  • Stand with feet at hip width apart and hold a weight each in your hands.
  • Bend your elbows so that your palms are facing you. Bring the weight up to your chest and then bring it down to its starting position.
  • Avoid swinging or dropping the weight when it is going down. Instead, control the movement.
  • Repeat the 12th time.

Kickbacks on the Tricep

  • Assume the side lunge position, your torso should be facing towards the knee that is bent.
  • Brace your shoulder by placing your arm on your bent knee, and your other hand opposite your left elbow.
  • Bring your arm up to your trunk and bend your elbow 90 degrees.
  • Extend your arm straight and kick the weight.
  • Then, switch sides and repeat the 10 reps.

Handstand Push-up Bonus Move

  • Move into a handstand using dumbbells.
  • Keep your arms straight and lower your arms until they are 90 degrees bent. Then push yourself back up.
  • Repeat this 8 times.
  • This move should only be performed if you are already able to do a handstand.

The Best Dumbbells for Interchangeability

The adjustable and interchangeable dumbbells make the perfect home exercise equipment. You can use them for any exercise and increase resistance to suit your strength. They don’t take as much space in the gym like sets of weights. You don’t require a lot of space and can easily store them out of sight. You can choose sets that are as light as 5 pounds or as heavy as70 pounds.

1. Select-a-Weight Dumbbell Pair Choose-a-Weight Pair of Dumbbells

ProForm’s 50-lb dumbbells will help you train like a professional. Choose-a-Weight Pair of Dumbbells The dumbbells in this set replace 10 separate units. You can choose weights of 10 pounds up to 50 pounds, in increments of ten pounds. This will maximize your home workout area. Steel and plastic are used in the durable construction, which has a tab adjustment to change weights. The weights are stored in custom-molded trays, which make it easy to store them and also change the weights. Downloading the iFit App (additional charge) allows you to follow thousands of programs led by trainers. This is great for beginners or those who need extra motivation.

2. Bowflex SelectTech dumbbell

Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells will take your workout to the next level. The Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells are adjustable from as little as 5 pounds to as much as 52 pounds, for those who want to build muscle. This compact set replaces 30 dumbbells in a single unit. You can change the weight by turning the dials on either end. The increments are two and a half pounds. Join the Bowflex SelectTech app to create custom workouts. You can also journal your progress or use trainer-led exercise videos for inspiration. The construction is made of metal plates and durable molding to ensure a quieter workout.

3. Ativafit Adjustable Dumbbell (Single), 27.5 Pounds

Ativafit’s adjustable dumbbell with a weight range of 5 1/2 to 27.5 lbs is perfect for a variety of exercises. High-quality steel is used for stability and durability, while the chrome-plated handle provides a comfortable grip. Set the dumbbell on the tray and select a new combination with a flick of the switch. This product can replace four dumbbells, allowing you to maximize your space and keep them hidden. It comes in a single piece, but you can add 2 to your order if want to get the functionality of two dumbbells.


4. Flybird Adjustable Dumbbell Single

The rotating handle allows you to easily change the weight of this dumbbell with just one hand. The dial is easy to read and allows you to select from 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 50 pounds. Customized locking structures ensure that you are safe when you exercise. The plates are powder coated and have a non-slip knurled handle. They also come with a storage tray which makes it easy to store them.


5. Nordictrack Select-a Weight Dumbbell Pair 55 lb

Why buy 30 dumbbells if you only need two? The 55-pound dumbbells allow you to have a more flexible workout, without having to take up as much space as a set of free weights. Fitted trays make it easy to switch between weight combinations. You can select between two-and-ahalf or five pound increments depending on what you need. You can sign up for a 30-day free trial to the iFit App if you need extra motivation or guidance. This will give you unlimited access to a large library of works on demand, and you have the option to cancel at any time. You can learn how to improve your fitness and strength by training your whole body.


6. Ativafit Adjustable Dumbbell (71.5 Pounds) (Single).

Ativafit adjustable dumbbells 71.5 pounds can help you build impressive muscle mass on your shoulders, arms and back. Starting light at 11 pounds and increasing in increments of five-and-a half pounds to 71.5. The end dial is clearly marked, making it easy to switch between the two. Just make sure that the weight unit you are changing from is in its storage case. Weights are made of durable metal to resist rusting, and have a grip that is non-slip for added safety. With the flexibility and safety of free weights without having to worry about storage, you can get a great full-body exercise.


7. LEADNOVO Weights Dumbbell Barbell Set

Adjustable dumbbells and barbells may be common but adjustable barbells, not so much. This set by LEADNOVO is innovative because it does both. This set comes with two dumbbells that can be adjusted to a variety of weights, as well as a connector bar so you can combine them into a barbell. This set has a maximum weight of 44 pounds. The plates are a little more difficult to adjust than some other sets, but their non-rolling, hexagonal design keeps them in place as you make your adjustments. Handles and connector rods have ergonomic grips, while plates are made of PU-covered iron and will not scratch your floor.


8. PowerBlock Sport Dumbbell Set 55

PowerBlock Sport 55 Dumbbell Set has a unique design, but is just as efficient for a full-body home workout. The weight stacks of these adjustable dumbbells are made with powder-coated steel welded construction. Selector pins allow you to quickly adjust the weights. The color-coding corresponds to the display panel, making it easier to select. This unit can lift up to 55 pounds. If you need to lift more, an expansion pack is available to allow you to reach 70 or 90 lbs in each of your hands.


What is a dumbbell?

You can use dumbbells for your weight-training exercises. The dumbbells consist of an equal-weighted bar at each end that is held in the hands. Styles and weights are available in a range of options, from as light as one pound up to as heavy at 100 pounds. Dumbbells can be either fixed-weight or adjustable. The most common style of dumbbells in the gym is fixed weight. They are made out cast iron, concrete or rubber and usually have a finish. You can adjust the weight of one grip by using different plates. They are available in two styles: plate loaded or with a lever or switch while seated. The dumbbell is a piece of versatile equipment which allows for a wide range of exercises and moves to improve strength and cardio fitness.

Barbells vs. Dumbbells vs. Cables

Barbells, cables and dumbbells can also be used for weight lifting. What do you decide? Your choice will depend on the goals you have. Each has its pros and cons. A barbell allows you to lift more weight because it acts as a stabilizing bar. Your shoulder muscles will not have to exert as much effort to maintain the stability of your action. The wider grip allows for more movement in the frontal plane. Barbells, on the other hand, have 360-degree movement planes for greater flexibility. It is possible to keep your resistance more central, which will highlight muscle imbalances on both sides. Cables also add a challenge to the core by pulling your torso forward through the resistance line.


FAQ on dumbbell exercises

What dumbbell exercise is best?

The dumbbells in your gym are extremely useful. Dumbbells can be used for a variety of exercises, and they allow you to move in 3D. The best dumbbell exercise includes a goblet-squat, dumbbell pullovers and thrusters.

What dumbbells can you use to build muscle?

The same as with any other piece of equipment, you can increase muscle mass with dumbbells. Exercises that are consistent and regular, which gradually increase weight as your strength increases will increase hypertrophy.

What shouldn’t you do with dumbbells

The same mistakes that you should avoid with dumbbells also apply to other equipment. Poor posture and form can lead to injury and poor results. Overdoing it can affect form and performance. If you are pressed for time, reduce the quantity of exercises, but not their quality. You can also make mistakes by holding dumbbells with bent arms, using momentum instead of muscle force and failing to use your entire range. Don’t let your dumbbells fall on your toes.

What’s the best material to use for dumbbells?

Rubber or urethane-covered dumbbells are considered to be safer options than those made of steel, concrete, iron or other materials. Both have a better ability to absorb shock. Rubber can degrade and have an unpleasant smell, while urethane has a longer lifespan. Hexagon-shaped dumbbells also help to prevent rolling. You’ll need to take into account the type of environment and weights that you require before purchasing a dumbbell set.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.