8 stars who were rock bottom at the height of their glory

The life of a star is often idealized, and makes more than one dream of it. Yet behind the success, safe bank account and social gatherings lie darker and more difficult realities. Yes, celebrities are human beings, endowed with emotions, feelings and sometimes little spared by life. Even at the height of their glory, some brooded in the shadows. Secretly. Silently. Courage, and respect.

1. Matthew Perry

In early November 2022, Matthew Perry (Chandler, in Friends) released his autobiography, titled « Friends, Lovers And The Big Terrible Thing ». He recounts there all the troubles and dark periods he went through, at the very time when the series shone worldwide. In addition to a profound lack of confidence, Matthew also suffered from alcohol and drug addiction. In total, he completed fifteen rehabs and underwent fourteen stomach surgeries. At one time he was taking up to 55 tablets of Vicodin (a painkiller) a day and weighed only 58 kilos. During his first hospitalization, he confides that he came close to death, explaining “the doctors told my family that I had a 2% chance of living”. We are still happy that he has gone up the slope!

“I wanted to share when I was safe from going into the dark side of everything again,” he tells PEOPLE in this week’s…

Posted by People on Wednesday, October 19, 2022

2. Selena Gomez

She is one of the celebrities who dare to break the taboos on mental disorders, speaking about it freely in public. She often confided in her anxiety disorders, her depressive phases and her panic attacks. She also received the McLean Award in 2019, a prize awarded to people who work to understand and accept mental disorders in the public space.

3. Britney Spears

These images had gone around the world in 2007: Britney shaving her head herself in a living room in LA A gesture representative of the darkest years of the pop star, between addictions, over-mediatised private life, depression and exhaustion. She said she just didn’t want anyone to touch her hair anymore. ” Never again “.

It must be said that the singer, in the spotlight, very young, did not have an easy career. In an interview delivered to an Israeli media and relayed by BFM in 2017, she confided “A lot of decisions were made for me (…) My life was controlled by too many people and it doesn’t really allow you to be yourself”then “I was lost, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was trying to please everyone around me because that’s how I work. These are the moments I look back on and say to myself: What was on my mind?? ». Forced to do things against her will, subjected to constant pressure, suffering from bipolar disorder, placed for years under particularly severe guardianship… When we look at the details of Britney’s life, we understand that there were many traumas. We love you Brit-brit.

4. Lady Gaga

On the occasion of Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus : , Lady Gaga confided to have developed a post-traumatic stress, following a rape. “I didn’t have anyone to help me, I didn’t have a therapist, I didn’t have a psychiatrist, I didn’t have a doctor to help me (…) I suddenly became a star. I traveled the world from the hotel room to the limo garage, to the stage, and I never cared about it.”. She explains that the trauma finally kicked in all of a sudden, as she was on the rise, and her body began to mimic what she may have felt after the crime. Yes, it’s hard. Full of courage and love.

5. Demi Lovato

In 2021, a documentary series appears on Youtube under the name of « Dancing with the Devil ». It retraces in a few episodes the life, career and descent into hell of Demi Lovato, and believe me… We are far (very far) from the Disney universe. I prefer to warn you, this point will be hard to read. If ever the questions addressed are too heavy for you, I invite you to go directly to the next point.

In July 2018, in the middle of a world tour, the singer and actress, then 28 years old, was close to death following an overdose. During this accident, she suffered three strokes and a heart attack. But that night… She also accuses her dealer of having raped her, and left her for dead. A terrible trauma, which was unfortunately not the first: in adolescence, when she was a Disney star seed of only 15 years old, she was also abused. She admits having “lost her virginity in a rape”. As a result, she developed eating disorders. She confides in particular on this bulimia, which has become so serious that it has come to “vomit blood”. It’s atrocious. Demi had the courage to make it all public, to free speech on these heavy topics. We only have one word: respect.

6. Sophie Turner

Born in 1996, Sophie Turner was only a teenager when she played “Sansa Stark” in the famous series “Game of Thrones”. Propelled very quickly and very young under the spotlight, she suffered enormously from criticism from Internet users, especially on her physique. In 2019, she confided that these had led her to depression, had triggered serious eating disorders, and that she had even gone so far as to think about suicide. We can never say it enough, but words, posted online or not, can destroy. Think about it before posting a misplaced comment under any post.

7. Zayn Malik

While he was a member of One Direction, the beloved Boys Band of the 2010s, Zayn Malik also suffered from eating disorders. “I felt like I wasn’t in control of my life. My diet was the only thing I could control. I lost so much weight that I got sick. All the work, the touring life, the pressure and everything that was going on around the band led to these eating disorders. », he confided in an interview, also explaining that it was important to testify to encourage other men, victims of anorexia, to talk about it. (Source)

8. Billie Eilish

The interpreter of “Bad Guy” found herself propelled to the front of the stage in record time. A rapid ascent that was difficult to bear for the singer. She explains felt “isolated” et “very alone”. She confided in this dark period, during which she thought several times of killing herself. She has also confirmed that some lyrics in her songs, such as “I wanna end me” (in “Bury a Friend”), are about her. Fortunately, today, she is much better! A healing that she attributes to therapy, support and from her family and patience.

The 18-year-old American singer, crowned at the 2020 Grammy Awards, confided in the depression she went through in 2018?

Posted by ELLE on Thursday, January 30, 2020

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