Assassin’s Creed Mirage ending explained: What happens to Ba…

assassins creed mirage is now out, taking the series back to basics with a game focused on one of the assassin’s creed valhalla Most interesting character. This adventure follows Basim as he goes from Anbar street thief to expert assassin in Baghdad while hunting members of The Order of the Ancients. As a prequel, there are a few things you may already know about Basim as a character. Still, learning how Basim processed these revelations is entertaining in itself.

Basim shows his hidden blade.

killer’s creed is a mirage It is short compared to other games in the series (about 12 to 17 hours to complete), but most of the notable revelations are saved for the end of the story. If you want to know how Basim discovers who he really is or you need to read a summary of the major events of the story, this is an overview of everything that happens. killer’s creed is a mirage And how it ends in spectacular fashion.

How does Assassin’s Creed Mirage start?

killer’s creed is a mirage It begins with a brief introduction to modern-day Assassin Brotherhood mentor William Miles. In the game’s only Animus-referenced narrative segment, he admits that he was worried that people would learn the wrong lesson from Basim’s story. Now he realizes that “we have a lot to learn” from his story and now he’s sharing it. He then sets the stage for the setting of ninth-century Baghdad, the threat that is The Order of the Ancients, and challenges Basim’s humble origins and ultimately the cult’s ideals.

This introduction then turns into a dream sequence for Basim, where a scary jinni attacks him. Upon awakening, his friend Nehal consoles him, and they set out to fulfill a contract for their friend Dervis in Anbar, a small town near Baghdad. After picking some people’s pockets and stealing a shipping ledger, Basim and Nehal discover that Dervis is working with a member of the Hidden Ones named Roshan.

When Roshan asks Basim to accompany him on a mission to retrieve a chest from the Caliph’s Winter Palace, he initially rejects her, but he and Nehal secretly try to get her to do so. Successfully infiltrating, they discover that the Caliph is working with The Order of the Ancients. They approach the ark and find a mysterious device inside that shows them one man torturing another. Khalifa catches Basim doing this and Nehal stabs Khalifa to death.

Basim is climbing a building above red smoke.

While Basim and Nehal run away and he discards the device, Roshan retrieves it and reveals that Basim is now a wanted man and in danger. After discovering that many of the children he helped protect in Anbar were murdered because of his actions, he moves in with Roshan and begins training to become an assassin for the Hidden Ones. Is. While he struggles to balance his mind and body, he eventually passes the necessary tests at Alamut to become the Hidden One and finds an eagle companion named Enkidu.

following the orders of ancestors

Fellow Hidden One Noor eventually returns to Alamut wounded from Baghdad, causing Roshan and Basim to return to Baghdad to take on The Order of the Ancients. From here, a large portion of the game is spent taking out members of The Order of the Ancients. Along the way, Basim aids the growing Zanj rebellion led by a man named Ali and reconciles with Nehal, who inspires Basim to learn more about The Order of the Ancients and the device that Which was given to Basim by Roshan despite his denial of knowing more about those things.

Basim assassinates The Order of the Ancients members al-Ghul, al-Rabisu, al-Pairqa, and al-Mardiqwar, honing his skills, and in doing so becoming more in touch with the people of Baghdad. Went and became friendly. That said, every time Basim kills one of those guys he gets another terrifying djinni vision. Despite frustration with Roshan’s overprotective leadership, Basim still tries his best to remain loyal and carry out his murders for the people in hiding.

Ultimately, Basim learns that the head of the Harem Qabiha is al-Bahamut, the influential leader of the Order of the Ancients. Roshan initially says that she will be the one to kill Al-Bahamut, fearing that Basim will be tempted by the information she has. Basim convinces Roshan to let him commit the murder, and he heads to the palace to confront him. First, he finds her son Abu in her bathroom. He recognizes that Basim was there when his father died and asks if Basim doesn’t plan to stay until everyone is dead.

Basim is about to murder a man.

Basim lets her live and confronts Qabiha in a secret passageway beneath the palace. Kabiha taunts Basim, saying that he does not know her true nature. Instead of killing her, Basim does what Nehal suggests and asks Qabiha who she is. She says the secret is hidden beneath Alamut, but before Kabiha can tell anything else or lead her there, Roshan kills her. Roshan urges Basim to put aside his internal strife and be content with just being a killer, but Basim refuses. Angered, Roshan told Basim that she would kill him if he returned to Alamut.

assassin’s creed mirage ending

At the hideout where they stayed as street thieves, Nehal convinces Basim to go to Alamut to find answers. They set out on a long and dangerous journey across the desert to get there, leaving Baghdad behind. When they arrive there, Basim is ambushed by members of The Order of the Ancients, who had obtained political permission to attack the base. Reawakening after being saved by the recovered Noor, he fights the enemy forces left here, heads to the temple in search of Nehal and answers.

Once he is in the temple, another assassin named Reyhan tells Basim that the key to the temple is under Alamut. Basim decides to unlock it and get whatever is there before The Order of the Ancients, but Roshan tries to stop him. They fight, and Basim wins, stabbing but not killing Roshan. After defeating him, Basim goes further into the temple, and reunites with Nehal, who strangely seems to have an understanding of the place.

assassin's creed mirage key art

This is the temple of Isu, the civilization that inhabited the game world before humanity. Within it, Basim finds what looks like a mix between a stasis pod and a coffin. However, after opening it, he sees Nehal. This leads to an important revelation that recontextualizes several scenes: Nehal does not technically exist and never has. It was Basim who initially decided to kill the Caliph and challenge The Hidden Ones. Nehel and the genie in her dreams are aspects of her personality associated with Loki, the Isu Aesir she saw tortured when she first stumbled upon the device in the Winter Palace.

Basim calms Jinni and, despite being sad that he will never see her again, teams up with Nehal to regain Loki’s memories and knowledge. Despite his defiance, Basim comes out of the temple again and is allowed back into hiding. This comes at a cost: Roshan leaves the Hidden Ones, and Enkidu rejects Basim, clawing at him and leaving a scar on his face. Basim finished the game eager to be reunited with Isu who had tortured him. This neatly leads into the game’s ending story. assassin’s creed valhallaWhere Basim encounters Eivor, the reincarnation of Odin.

killer’s creed is a mirage Available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


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