Subscription Right Definition

What Is a Subscription Right? A subscription right is the right of existing shareholders in a company to retain an equal percentage ownership by subscribing to new stock issuances at or below market prices. The subscription right is usually enforced by the use of rights offeringswhich allow shareholders to exchange rights for shares of common stock … Read more

Average Annual Return (AAR): Definition, Calculation, and Example

What Is the Average Annual Return (AAR)? The average annual return (AAR) is a percentage used when reporting the historical return, such as the three-, five-, and 10-year average returns of a mutual fund. The average annual return is stated net of a fund’s operating expense ratio. Additionally, it does not include sales charges, if … Read more

Section 16 Definition and SEC Filing Requirements

What Is Section 16? Section 16 is a rule within the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (SEA) that articulates the regulatory filing responsibilities that directors, officers, and principal stockholders are legally required to adhere to. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 is a law that governs the secondary trading of securities in the U.S. … Read more

What Is a Revolver? Definition in Lending and How It Works

What Is a Revolver? A revolver refers to a borrower—either an individual or a company—who carries a balance from month to month, via a revolving credit line. Borrowers are only obligated to make minimum monthly payments, which go toward paying interest and reducing principal debt. Revolvers are used in finance by corporations to fund working … Read more

Walmart’s Biggest Liability: Labor Costs (WMT)

Is Walmart’s Biggest Liability Labor Costs? In a company as large as Walmart Stores Inc (WMT), it can be hard to increase profit by a measurable degree. Increasing margins on soap won’t affect the bottom, nor will saving on nominal expenses like plastic bags. What Walmart can control though, is its labor force. Walmart’s biggest … Read more