Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi Dana Hair Oil Homemade Recipe

Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi dana Hair Oil homemade

Homemade Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi Dana Hair Oil for dandruff, Dryness, itchy scalp, hair loss treatment

Is your hair getting dry and dandruff is also troubling you? Is the dandruff and dry scalp your problem then this Ayurvedic hair oil made from Tulsi will definitely help you. Tulsi or Holy basil is an antibacterial and soothing herbal ingredient that is highly beneficial for dry itchy scalp condition. We will share a homemade recipe of this Ayurvedic Tulsi hair oil. Tulsi is also good ingredient to combat the hair fall and hair loss. This recipe of hair oil also has fenugreek seeds which are known as methi dana. Methi dana is one of the best remedies to stop hair fall and promotes the production of new hair follicles. Methi dana is also known to give great results in turning the grey hair darker again and also prevents graying of hair.

Recipe of Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi Dana Hair Oil

You will need:

  • Tulsi leaves around 15-20
  • Coconut oil
  • Fenugreek seeds (for extra boost up)

Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi dana Hair Oil homemade

How to prepare this Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi dana Hair Oil

  1. Take around 1 and 1/2 cups of coconut oil and add 2 teaspoonful of methi dana seeds in that.
  2. Also add 15-20 leaves of Tulsi in this coconut oil.
  3. Now start this oil and keep boiling unless you see that the seeds of fenugreek have turned black.
  4. The point of turning them black is that, when the seeds will be black that means they have given their essence in the oil.
  5. Then stop the burner and put this aside to get cool down.
  6. Once the oil is cool, you can store this in a bottle.
  7. Make sure you do not take the bottle in sunlight and this can be used for up to 2 months.

How to apply this Ayurvedic Tulsi Methi dana Hair Oil

  1. To apply the oil, just warm this oil a little bit then apply the oil on the scalp.
  2. Apply some oil on the scalp as well so the at this will penetrate the scalp and will give its results.
  3. You can then gently massage the scalp with your finger tips. Then leave this hair oil for overnight.
  4. Next morning wash the hair using a mild shampoo.
  5. You should also make sure that you also use a hair conditioner after the shampoo.

To get good results, you can use this 2 times in a week and try for at least 2 months. This is because anything that you try takes some time to show its results. Nothing is like a miracle as shown in some advertisement right? So, do regularly use this oil. Anyways, there will be any side effects rarer this will do good to the hair and the best thing is that this is not be expensive.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.