Beauty-stop – how to take care of your skin

Skin is the largest organ of the body, and it requires daily care. Knowing how to choose and use the right products is essential for anyone who wants to build a proper skin routine and avoid irritation or other skin problems. Maybe you think a recommendation from a friend is enough to identify the perfect cosmetic product, but you can’t always count on that. 

Finding the right skincare products may seem complicated because reading ingredients can often be a challenging task to fulfill. You will be tempted to follow popular skincare trends because it’s easier than identifying and analyzing every ingredient. You may wonder why following the popular vote is a wrong step. 

Think about the following scenario: your best friend confesses to you they just tried out a new beauty product, telling you that it’s the best one so far and you must try it as soon as possible. You trust them and decide to try the product, but you experience severe irritation. Why did this happen? 

Here are some reasons why different reactions can occur: 

  • Different skin types;
  • Allergies;
  • Skin condition.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for skincare, and what may seem a fantastic skin product for someone can be actually harmful for another. Also, usually, skin sounds the alarm for other health problems, being an important indicator for your overall health. 

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Taking care of your skin is an essential step of your daily routine, so don’t neglect it. Pay attention to all the harmful ingredients, and make sure you choose what’s best for you. If you are new in the skincare world, here are some tips that can help you build the perfect routine: 

Talk with a specialist

When you decide to follow a skincare routine, the first step is talking with a dermatologist because a specialist can help you identify your skin type, condition, and what products best fit your needs. Besides, regular medical checks are essential for healthy skin. You may think that only facial skin needs more attention, but in fact, you need to supervise the entire body. 

Here are some alarming signs that should convince you to make an appointment with your doctor:

Acne. It is a common condition, and it affects people of all ages. Acne often doesn’t respond to over-the-counter treatments, and they can even worsen your skin condition. If you experience acne problems, ask for specialized help because a dermatologist will know how to handle the situation depending on your acne type and lifestyle. 

Cancer. Regular screening for skin cancer is vital because this type of cancer doesn’t have obvious symptoms. Checking your skin periodically can help you detect cancer at its earliest stages. The main cause of skin cancer is UV exposure, and the first signs are changes in the shape or coloring of moles. 

Eczema. It is a chronic skin condition characterized by irritation and itchiness. If you deal with this kind of condition, a dermatologist can create a personalized treatment to help you manage the symptoms. 

Identify your skin type

Whether you figure it out alone or ask a dermatologist, identifying your skin type is essential when deciding what products work best for your skin. Your skin type is determined genetically, but it can also be influenced and changed during time by external factors, such as hormonal changes or environmental factors. 

There are five types of skin: 

  • Normal;
  • Dry;
  • Oily;
  • Combination (oily and dry);
  • Sensitive.

Skin and cosmetic products are designed to fit a specific skin type, and this information is displayed on every package. Learning more about your skin type helps you quickly identify the right products and avoid irritations or skin damage. 

Pay attention to ingredients

Ingredients, ingredients, ingredients – whether you want to eat healthier or try new skincare products, analyzing the ingredients is essential for a healthy choice. When starting a routine, it’s necessary to know what ingredients are suitable for your skin. 

For example, if you have dry skin, seek moisturizing products that contain shea butter and hyaluronic acid. Here are some essential ingredients you can use for healthy and radiant skin:

Hyaluronic acid and ceramide. They are naturally found in the skin and can keep your skin moisturized;

Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic) and Vitamin E (Tocopherol). They keep your skin firm and plump, accelerating the production of collagen end elastin and preventing premature aging of the skin. Use them together for a better result.

Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide). It controls oil production, hydrates and evens skin tone.

Retinol. It is an essential nighttime routine ingredient, stimulating collagen and giving your skin a natural glow. 

Besides these beneficial ingredients for the skin, there are a few to avoid: 

Parabens. They are chemical preservatives used to prevent bacterial growth but can throw off the hormonal balance if used for long periods.  

Oxybenzone and Other Chemical Sunscreens. When searching for the perfect sunscreen, pay attention if they are chemical or mineral. The chemical ones have been linked to serious health issues, such as fertility and thyroid function problems.

The examples presented above are just some of the harmful ingredients. If you want to learn more about the chemical components from your skin products, you can choose online chemistry tutoring, that can answer your questions, offering you the chance to make an informed decision. 

Create healthy habits

Healthy skin usually indicates a healthy body. Many internal diseases, such as lupus, diabetes, hepatitis C or cancer, have skin manifestations, so it’s important to notice any dermatological signs. 

An essential aspect of a healthy life is undoubtedly creating healthy habits. What you eat, how much you sleep or choose to spend your free time influence your overall health. And the skin is not an exception. For example, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which can cause serious problems such as dizziness, fatigue and dry skin. Not having enough sleep favors skin aging and inflammation, making your skin sensitive and prone to acne. 

Besides a proper skincare routine, here are some healthy habits you should consider to maintain your skin healthy:

  • Drink enough water;
  • Avoid stress;
  • Eat low glycemic and rich in vitamins A and E;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Always remove your make-up before bedtime;
  • Avoid intense sun exposure;

A skincare routine contributes to a healthy lifestyle, so choose your products with care and don’t neglect bad ingredients that can harm your skin. If you decide to follow a routine, check out the tips above for more information and guidance. 

Anju Sharma: Anju Sharma is a distinguished content writer at, known for her expertise in crafting engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a strong command over diverse topics, Anju has established herself as one of the best-known content creators in the digital space. Her work seamlessly blends in-depth research with a reader-friendly approach, making complex subjects easily accessible and enjoyable for her audience. Anju’s passion for writing and her commitment to delivering high-quality content consistently set her apart in the competitive world of online content creation.