Best Badam Face Packs /Face Scrubs for Fairness

Almonds/ Badam Face Packs and Face Scrubs at home

Best Badam Face Packs /Face Scrubs for Fairness 2

Our skin requires proper care and protection to maintain its radiance and health. We need fairness mostly so we will try various skin whitening products. But excessive chemical based product causes acne, spots, dryness and early ageing of the skin. To get a beautiful skin, it is significant to maintain patience and stick with natural therapies. Natural ways don’t merely improve your skin health, but also resist skin disorders in future time. You can apply a nut for your face to increase the skin color and shine. Yes, and its almonds!! Almonds or badam can do wonders in making the skin complexion a lot lighter and fairer. Even brides whose wedding is round the corner may also take help of almonds to make their skin beautiful, glowing and lighter.

Benefits Badam face packs and scrubs

There are several face packs and scrubs that can be made using the badam. but what are the benefits of these packs. let’s see:

Almonds are rich in vitamin E which helps to restore the optimum moisture level in the skin.

Almonds also give gentle exfoliation to the skin so that the skin appears softer and brighter

In Ayurveda as well, almonds are considered a skin whitening and glow enhancing natural ingredient. Thus, this is best to get fair skin fast.

Moreover, almonds beauty recipes are mostly suitable for all the skin types even the sensitive skin types as well.

How to make Badam face packs and Badam Face scrubs

Almonds are extremely beneficial for the skin whitening and glow purpose. It is extremely rich in most vital skin essential vitamin-E and fatty acids that bring natural glow and moisture to the skin. Badam facial packs can be tried by both men and women to improvise the skin color and to fade the darkness due to tanning. So, try these amazing almond face packs and face scrubs and feel the difference. See the Best Honey skin whitening face packs

Badam face pack with milk

Best Badam Face Packs /Face Scrubs for Fairness 3

It is the best combination for natural skin treatment. You may visit salons to get whitening treatments performed and look fair and radiant. Now you can do it at home by using this natural face pack which is harm free and very effective to the skin. This will not only make your skin fairer but provide a lustre which is amazing. You can also use this almond milk pack to reduce the sun tan from hands and arms.


  • Take 5-7 spoons of raw milk
  • 4 soaked almonds in water overnight
  • 2 Fresh rose petals(optional)
  • Blend these things together in a grinder
  • Put this pack in a small bowl. If the pack is thick then you can adds some more milk in it.
  • Take some of this on the fingers and massage slowly on the face.
  • Keep massaging for 10 minutes
  • Leave it for 15 minutes onto the face
  • Wash thoroughly with cold water.
  • This face pack is useful for normal to dry skin.

Papaya and Badam face pack

This papaya and almond face pack reduces skin pigmentation and improves skin color. It also stimulates blood flow in the skin and provides pinkish glow on the skin. Almonds will give the benefits in whitening of the dark dull skin while papaya will enhance the tone and texture of the skin with its enzymes. Moreover, this pack  will be perfect to give you a non blotchy and non patchy skin.


How to make?

  • Firstly, take 5-6 almonds which have been soaked in water overnight. Peel them.
  • Take a small papaya slice and grind both of these things using a blender/grinder.
  • Apply this pack on the face, leaving the under eye and eyebrow area.
  • Keep it for 20-25 minutes and wash it with cold water.
  • This face pack is suitable for normal and sensitive skin though everyone can try it.

Oatmeal and Almond face pack


Oatmeals are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. Furthermore, they can be used to increase the skin softness and glow. so, if you think of getting smooth skin at home naturally then think of oatmeal. Oatmeal also absorbs excess oil from the skin. Almonds consist of essential vitamin E that benefits in a good healthy skin. Not to forget this face pack will also give you a fair skin within days.

How to make?

Take one cup of boiled oatmeal and also take 5 almonds which were soaked overnight.

Take all this in a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Blend them in a grinder and crush or grind them.

Leave it for 20-25 minutes and wash thoroughly with cold water.

This face pack is very effective on oily skin, combination skin and for normal skinned boys and girls.

Homemade Badam Face scrubs

Almond and lavender oil

Lavender oil is wonderful for the skin care. We have also shared a post on how you can use essential oil for the beauty of the skin. Lavender oil acts deeply on the pores and makes skin super soft and fresh. It is also used to heal acne,wounds, cuts and burns. Moreover, it reduces fine lines gradually therefore this scrub will be best for mature skin or people with wrinkles. Almonds mixed with lavender oil become a good skin scrub. Let’s see how to preapre this home made badam scrub.


Take 8 almonds and soak in water overnight. Then peel off its skin in the morning

Blend almonds with 1 teaspoonful of lavender oil.

The almond granules work as a scrubber, though you may also add some sugar crystals if you like.

Now gently apply it on the face and scrub slowly for 20 minutes

Wash it with cold water and see visible results in making the skin glow.

Brown sugar and Badam Scrub

Brown sugar deeply cleanses the pores and removes excess dirt and oil from it. It removes pigmentation and acne spots. This is one of the best facial scrubs using almonds for the dark skin color, spots, blemishes and sun tanning. Sugar has glycolic acid that will also does some chemical peeling of the skin.Therefore the marks, spots, scars etc will be lightened.

How to make tthis badam sugar scrub?

Take 7 soaked and crushed almonds. But first take off the skin/peel from it.

Take 2 teaspoons of brown sugar in it and little bit of milk to mix every thing well. If you have dry skin then add little bit of olive oil in it.

Rub the paste onto the face gently like you do when you massage or scrub the face.

Keep doing it for 2-4 minutes. Then leave on the face just like that for the next 10 minutes like a face pack.

Wash it with normal water. Try this 2 times at least in a week for better results in fairness.

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