Are Social Security Survivor Benefits for Children Considered Taxable Income?

Social Security survivor benefits for children are considered taxable income only for the children who are entitled to receive them, even if the checks are made out to a parent or guardian. Most children do not make enough in a year to owe any taxes. Key Takeaways Social Security survivor benefits paid to children are…

What It Is, and Why It Matters to Investors

What Is Organic Growth? Organic growth is the growth a company achieves by increasing output and enhancing sales internally. This does not include profits or growth attributable to mergers and acquisitions but rather an increase in sales and expansion through the company’s own resources. Organic growth stands in contrast to inorganic growthwhich is growth related to…

Silver Slides Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Not even precious metals escaped yesterday’s historical selling rout that saw virtually every asset class from stocks to digital currencies take a bath due to the rapid spread of coronavirus. In times of market panic like this, investors typically flock to safe-haven assets, such as gold and silver, to seek protection against extreme volatility. However,…

What Are the Types of Costs in Cost Accounting?

Cost accounting is an accounting process that measures all of the costs associated with production, including both fixed and variable costs. The purpose of cost accounting is to assist management in decision-making processes that optimize operations based on efficient cost management. The costs included in cost accounting are as follows: Direct Costs Direct costs are related…

Debtor-in-Possession (DIP) Financing: Definition and Types

What Is Debtor-in-Possession (DIP) Financing? Debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing is a special kind of financing meant for companies that are in bankruptcy. Only companies that have filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 are allowed to access DIP financing, which usually happens at the start of a filing. DIP financing is used to facilitate the reorganization of…