Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs Definiton

What Are Industrial Revenue Bonds—IRBs? Industrial revenue bonds (IRB) are municipal debt securities issued by a government agency on behalf of a private sector company and intended to build or acquire factories or other heavy equipment and tools. IRBs were formerly called Industrial Development Bonds (IDB). key takeaways Industrial revenue bonds (IRBs) are a type…

What Factors are Taken Into Account to Quantify Credit Risk?

The quantification of credit risk is the process of assigning measurable and comparable numbers to the likelihood of default risk and the concept is a major frontier in modern finance. The factors that affect credit risk range from borrower-specific criteria to market-wide considerations. The idea is that liabilities can be objectively valued and predicted to…

Subjective Probability Definition

What Is Subjective Probability? Subjective probability is a type of probability derived from an individual’s personal judgment or own experience about whether a specific outcome is likely to occur. It contains no formal calculations and only reflects the subject’s opinions and past experience. An example of subjective probability is a “gut instinct” when making a…