Electronic Transfer Account (ETA)

What Is an Electronic Transfer Account (ETA)? An electronic transfer account (ETA) is a bank account for federal payment recipients who do not have checking or savings accounts. ETAs provide an alternative to receiving federal payments by check for Social SecuritySSI, and the Railroad Retirement Board. ETAs are also available for Office of Personnel Management…

Taxes on Physical Gold and Silver Investments

Many investors prefer to own physical gold and silver instead of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in these precious metals. While the tax implications of owning and selling ETFs are very straightforward, not many people fully understand the tax implications of owning and selling physical bullion. Below is a description of how these investments are…

Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax

WHAT IS THE Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax Non-resident entertainers’ tax is a state tax levied against performers whose legal residence is outside of the state where the performance is given. BREAKING DOWN Non-Resident Entertainers’ Tax Non-resident entertainers’ tax is a type of state tax that requires a certain percentage of any gross earnings from a performance be…