Trade Liberalization Definition

What is trade liberalization? Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers to the free exchange of goods between nations. These barriers include prices such as duties and surcharges, and non-tariff barriers, such as licensing rules and quota. Economists often view the relaxation or elimination of these restrictions as measures to promote … Read more

Citizens Bank Student Loans Review 2022

Fixed rates 7.39% – 12.82% Variable rates 5.87% – 10.93% Loan amounts $1,000 to $16,000 (lifetime aggregate limit of $225,000) Loan conditions 5 or 10 years Loan Eligibility Citizens One sets out its eligibility criteria very clearly. Key qualifications include: You must be a US citizen or permanent resident International students without a US social … Read more

Return on Risk-Adjusted Capital (RORAC) Definition

What is return on risk-adjusted capital (RORAC)? Return on Risk-Adjusted Capital (RORAC) is a rate of return measure commonly used in financial analysis, where various projects, efforts and investments are evaluated based on venture capital. projects with different risk profiles are easier to compare with each other once their individual RORAC values ​​have been calculated. … Read more

The Top Technical Indicators for Options Trading

There are hundreds of technical indicators that traders can use depending on their trading style and the type of security being traded. This article focuses on a few important technical indicators popular among options traders. Please also note that this article assumes knowledge of options terminology and the calculations involved in technical indicators. Key points … Read more

Lease Payments Definition

What are lease payments? A lease payment is the equivalent of monthly rent, which is formally dictated by a contract between two parties, granting one of the participants the legal right to use real estate, manufacturing equipment, computers, software or other fixed assets of the other, for a specified period of time. A lease provides … Read more

London Stock Exchange (LSE) Definition

What is the London Stock Exchange (LSE)? The London Stock Exchange (LSE) is the UK’s main and largest stock exchange. Established over 300 years ago, the regional stock exchanges merged in 1973 to form the Stock Exchange of Great Britain and Ireland, later renamed the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The Financial Times Scholarship (FTSE) 100 … Read more

Quantitative Tightening (QT)

What is Quantitative Tightening (QT)? Quantitative Tightening (QT) refers to monetary policies this contract, or reduce, the Federal Reserve System (Fed) balance sheet. This process is also known as balance sheet normalization. In other words, the Fed (or any other central bank) shrinks its monetary reserves either by selling treasures (government bonds) or by allowing … Read more

Strategic Gap Analysis Definition

What is Strategic Gap Analysis? Strategic gap analysis is a business management technique that requires an assessment of the difference between a company’s best possible outcome and the actual outcome. It includes recommendations on actions that can be taken to close the gap. Strategic gap analysis aims to determine what specific actions a company can … Read more