Cardio exercises or toning workout: what works the most?

To lose weight are better cardio exercises or toning? Answering the question is not easy also because each of us has different needs and a standard answer may not be enough. But in fact, when you want lose weight, it would be important to devote, in addition to cardio exercises, even a little more time to those of toning. “If for a matter of time we had to prioritize only one type of training, I would prefer strength, although the best is achieved by combining the two, “he says Juan Ruiz López, director of the training center that bears his name. “In principle I am more in favor of toning training rather than focusing only on aerobic training. In fact, I think the former is much more effective in reaching both aesthetic and health results“, explains the expert.

Cardio exercises or toning workout: what works the most?

Therefore, if you spend more time on cardio training, for example with the exercise bike, while only 10 minutes are “cut out” for toning, it would be advisable to do the opposite and shift the focus on muscle strength. And is that Ruiz López refers to benefits of toning exercises even when you want to lose weight: “The focus on strength increases our muscle mass. And the latter makes ours metabolism faster and in this way our ability to burn fat will be higher and more efficient “, he explains. And, in addition to insisting on the aesthetic benefits of strength training, the expert also highlights the benefits it has for our health “Having more muscle mass is directly related to better quality and life expectancy. When we grow up, some of the disabilities we acquire are due to lack of strength, not endurance. In addition, it is highly recommended in women because, for example, it prevents theosteoporosis“, he claims.

Obviously, if you start from a sedentary lifestyle, you will get better results with cardio exercises since the margin of improvement in that case is greater. But as we increase our physical activity, it is important to spend time on toning training. Important: the best exercises are squats, lunges and burpees. Furthermore, this type of training does not necessarily imply the use of weights, but using them obviously means increasing the intensity. Another important detail: you need to change your routines every 3-4 weeks to get better results. “If we always do the same workout, our body gets used to that particular stimulus. When we perform certain exercises for the first time, the effort will be greater”, he underlines.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.