Business News

Facebook Stock Crashes Into Bear Market Territory

Facebook, Inc. (FB) stock set its all-time intraday high of $224.20 on Jan. 29 and then traded as low as $137.10 on March 18. This puts the stock deep into bear market territory at 33.2% below the high. In the process, Facebook shares cascaded below their annual and quarterly value levels at $185.93 and $178.64, respectively. Perhaps the closes at …

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Accrued Liability Definition

What Is Accrued Liability? The term “accrued liability” refers to an expense incurred but not yet paid for by a business. These are costs for goods and services already delivered to a company for which it must pay in the future. A company can accrue liabilities for any number of obligations and are recorded on the company’s balance sheet. They …

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How Blockchain Technology is Changing Real Estate

Given blockchain’s disruption of financial services and subsequent widespread application across industries, it’s hard to find a segment that has not been influenced by the technology. Cryptocurrencies have made a strong impact on payments, remittances, and foreign exchange. Initial coin offerings (ICOs) have challenged stock investing, startup loans, and venture capital. Even the food supply chain industry has been upended …

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Average Age of Inventory Definition

What Is the Average Age of Inventory? The average age of inventory is the average number of days it takes for a firm to sell off inventory. It is a metric that analysts use to determine the efficiency of sales. The average age of inventory is also referred to as days’ sales in inventory (DSI). Formula and Calculation of Average …

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What It Is, What It Shows, Formula To Calculate It

What Is the Treynor Ratio? The Treynor ratio, also known as the reward-to-volatility ratio, is a performance metric for determining how much excess return was generated for each unit of risk taken on by a portfolio. Excess return in this sense refers to the return earned above the return that could have been earned in a risk-free investment. Although there …

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Matched Book Definition

What Is a Matched Book? A matched book is an approach that banks and other institutions may take to ensure that the maturities of its assets and liabilities are equally distributed. A matched book is also known as “asset/liability management” or “cash matching.” There is a functional benefit to adopting the matched book method; it lets a bank or any …

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Definition and Example of How It Works

What Is a Capitalized Lease Method? The capitalized lease method is an accounting approach that posts a company’s lease obligation as an asset on the balance sheet. If the lease agreement meets at least one of the four criteria provided by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the lease is capitalized, which means that the lessee (the company leasing the …

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How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Content Distribution

The revolutionary technology blockchain began with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin but has since expanded beyond the worlds of finance and banking. With a slew of new businesses and applications built on the technology, these industries now represent a mass decentralization that will soon impact the whole world. Blockchain helps distribute the cost of running a platform to its various participants, but …

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How to Determine a Tangible Asset’s Useful Life?

What Is an Asset’s Useful Life? A tangible asset is any asset in physical form. Tangible assets include fixed assets such as machinery, land, and buildings. Tangible assets can also be current assetssuch as inventory. Any tangible asset has a useful life of more than one year. Factors involved in determining the useful life of a tangible asset include the …

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