Business News

Bowie Bond

What Is a Bowie Bond A Bowie bond was a unique type of asset-backed security which used as collateral the royalty streams from current (at the time) and future album sales and live performances by musician David Bowie. Bowie bonds are also sometimes known as “Pullman bonds” after David Pullman, the banker who created and sold the first Bowie bonds. …

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When Will Travel Stocks Bottom Out?

Travel stocks have been obliterated in recent weeks, caught in freefalls that could eventually trigger a round of bankruptcies. Airline and cruise ship companies have taken the brunt of selling pressure, which is now expanding into lodging, casinos, and big travel portals. While there’s no end in sight, long-term price patterns could offer useful road maps for bottom fishers and …

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Single Stocks in Your Portfolio: Pros and Con

What Are the Pros and Cons of Single Stocks in Your Portfolio? Stocks, mutual fundsor exchange traded funds (ETFs): What is the best option when you want to invest in the stock market? Is it worth the time and risk to have single stocks in your portfolio, or should you instead select mutual funds or ETFs, which give you exposure to sectors …

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How Does a Eurobond Work?

The eurobond is a type of bond that is issued in a currency that is different from that of the country or market in which it is issued. Despite its name, it has no particular connection to Europe or the euro currency. Due to this external currency characteristic, these types of bonds are also known as external bonds. Understanding the Eurobond The “euro” …

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Compulsory Convertible Debenture (CCD) Definition

What Is a Compulsory Convertible Debenture (CCD)? A compulsory convertible debenture (CCD) is a type of bond which must be converted into stock by a specified date. It is classified as a hybrid securityas it is neither purely a bond nor purely a stock. A debenture is a medium- to long-term debt security issued by a company as a means …

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Risk-Free Asset Definition

What Is a Risk-Free Asset? A risk-free asset is one that has a certain future return—and virtually no possibility of loss. Debt obligations issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (bonds, notes, and especially Treasury bills) are considered to be risk-free because the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government backs them. Because they are so safe, the …

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Price Talk Definition

What Is Price Talk? Price talk is the discussion of the appropriate price for an upcoming security issue. During the price talk phase, the investment community will discuss and debate a reasonable range of prices within which it’s estimated the new security should be sold. Price talks commonly occur before an initial public offering (IPO) or a bond issue. Because …

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Portable Alpha Definition

What Is the Portable Alpha Strategy? The portable alpha strategy focuses on investing in stocks or other assets that have demonstrated little or no correlation with the markets. To do this, investors separate alpha from beta by investing in securities that are not in the market index from which their beta is derived. Key Takeaways A stock or other asset’s …

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Are Dividends Considered a Company Expense?

Cash or stock dividends distributed to shareholders are not recorded as an expense on a company’s income statement. Stock and cash dividends do not affect a company’s net income or profit. Instead, dividends impact the shareholders’ equity section of the balance sheet. Dividends, whether cash or stock, represent a reward to investors for their investment in the company. While cash …

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