Business Tips

Business Tips

The Elon Musk effect on teenagers

Elon Musk effect on teenagers: Hi, it’s Apoorva. Last week, I reported how investing in crypto has gone beyond millennials to those pushing 45 and, at times, those over 65 years of age. From using YouTube videos of “What is Bitcoin” by comedian-turned-youtuber Tanmay Bhat to showcasing returns on their portfolio, 20-year-olds are deploying all the tricks in their toolbox to …

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How Washington Can Get Moms Back Into the Paid Economy

Covid-19 has unleashed all kinds of grief, but economically, the pandemic has been far worse for women than men. In the pandemic’s first 10 months, women lost a million more jobs than men. In December 2020, the economy shed 140,000 jobs, but women somehow managed to lose 156,000 jobs, because men actually gained 16,000 jobs. And as of March, one in four …

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Green Tech Companies Look to Capitalize on Biden’s Infrastructure Plan

When Virgin Hyperloop co-founder Josh Giegel saw the Biden Administration’s infrastructure proposal, he couldn’t help but think some details sounded familiar. The American Jobs Plan calls for “the second great railroad revolution”–trains that are faster, cleaner, and more energy-efficient, which is the kind of technology Giegel’s California-based company has been working on since 2014. As such, Giegel has little doubt the company will …

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The 7-Step Process to Launching Your Podcast for Free

Podcasts have quickly become one of the most popular forms of content to consume, with their portability being the leading factor. They can be listened to while commuting to the office, doing cardio at the gym or doing tasks around the house. Entrepreneurs and brands alike have started using podcasts to connect with their audience. Soon podcasts may become as …

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7 Things to Know When Taking COVID-19 Relief Money

Entrepreneur contributed. In the months after 9/11, I was frantic. But my fears had less to do with the tragedy at the Word Trade Center and more to do with the fact that, after 10 years of rampant prescription opioid abuse, my business was failing. I was searching desperately for an out. Meanwhile, the television and radio were blaring with ads for 9/11 FEMA loans administered …

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It’s Getting Easier to Vaccinate Your Whole Staff at the Office

To juice vaccination rates and get employees back to work, some companies are opening their own vaccination clinics. Doing so isn’t simple; nor is it even possible for many businesses, as the laws regarding employer vaccination drives vary by state. But if you’re in a state where it’s legal, hosting your own drive can help overcome potential distribution barriers and …

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What is DARKSIDE, the cybercriminal ransomware group that has the world on alert?

A ransomware attack violated Colonial Pipeline, one of the most important oil pipeline companies in the United States, causing the interruption of the supply of naphtha, diesel and other refined products for a section of approximately 8,850 kilometers. According to the FBI, the person responsible for this attack is the DARKSIDE ransomware. What is DARKSIDE? “lazyload” style=”height: 563px; width: 1000px;” …

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The Real Problem With Twitter Tip Jar

Facebook has made it clear that Apple’s ATT privacy feature will have a damaging effect on digital ad revenue, and of course, it’s not alone. Twitter will also get hit by this new feature that gives individuals the power to opt out of tracking, which many digital ads rely on. As Twitter is looking at a grim future post-widespread adoption …

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Real Reason Why Most Businesses Fail (And What to Do About It)

The Bureau of Labor Statistic published that 70% of business owners fail by their 10th year in business. What most people don’t know is the underlying reason for why this is the case. It turns out that for about 70% of our adult lives, the part of our brains that is capable of our best critical thinking skills, revenue generation skills, and problem solving …

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Hot Stocks To Buy Next Week? 5 Reddit Stocks In Focus

5 Trending Reddit Stocks To Watch Ahead Of Next Week When it comes to trading Reddit stocks and Reddit penny stocks in the stock market, speculation often comes to mind. However, not all Reddit stocks are speculative. There are also long-term growth trends being discussed in the subreddit r/WallStreetBets. Hence, it makes perfect sense for investors to track trending names …

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