Business Tips

Business Tips

How to Create a Link to Jump to a Specific Part of a Page [Quick Tip]

When most people think of hyperlinks, they think of connecting two different web pages — such as a blog and landing page — together. But that’s not all hyperlinks can do, they can link to jump to a specific part of a page as well. So remember that really exhaustive glossary you put together on industry terms your audience should …

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What They Are & How to Become One

Twitter has more than 192 million daily active users — a number that is projected to continue growing over the coming years. However, that the platform has millions of users doesn’t guarantee that you’ll become a Twitter power user or that you’ll get thousands of followers, even if you tweet regularly. Gaining followers and engagement on Twitter is easier said …

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Examples]

If you’re considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your target audience, you’d better spend it in the right place. That is, somewhere with over 2.9 billion unique monthly visitors and 5 billion daily interactions. Somewhere like Google. Google Ads was launched just two years after what has become the most popular website in the world: …

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10 Great Examples of Welcome Emails for New Customers & Employees

We’ve all heard this maxim, “First impressions last”, so we are aware how important it is to strike a good impression. Showed up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a clove of garlic and forget to brush your teeth before a first date? Also a bad first impression.“hs-cta-img” id=”hs-cta-img-b6abbd56-b7d5-42bf-8a85-b7ae63ca70d2″ style=”border-width:0px;margin: 0 auto; display: block; margin-top: …

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