Business Tips

Business Tips

How to Highlight Duplicates in Google Sheets [Step-by-Step]

Duplicate data is the bane of spreadsheet solutions, especially at scale. Given the volume and variety of data now entered by teams, it’s possible that duplicate data in tools like Google Sheets may be relevant and necessary, or it could be a frustrating distraction from the primary purpose of spreadsheet efforts. The potential problem raises a good question: How do …

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The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2022

Email Marketing Stats: Webinars, video campaigns, and social media posts are relatively new channels for marketers to reach their customers. But, your contemporary communication methods shouldn’t distract you from one of the oldest, yet most effective, strategies — email marketing. In fact, email ROI is an impressive $36 for every $1 spent. If you’re still hesitant, keep reading — we’ve …

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The Top Video Marketing Tactics Brands are Investing In [+Which Are Losing Steam]

Video marketing is becoming more and more integral to a brand’s success. If you’re a marketer trying to craft the best video marketing strategy for your brand, it helps to know the top video marketing tactics brands are investing their time and money in. Fortunately, the HubSpot Blog recently surveyed over 500 marketers across the globe about their video marketing …

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How Web3 Technology Will Impact the Future of Consumer Trends [Expert Insights]

Many years ago, I waited hours in line after a concert to get a coveted Selena Gomez autograph. After she signed my poster, I hung it up in my bedroom, where it felt like my most prized possession. Because, although plenty of other people had Selena’s autograph — no one had this specific one. It was one-of-a-kind. And worth every …

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How to Calculate Your Web Traffic to Increase Website Revenue

You want to know how to calculate website traffic. That’s smart since your website’s value is both the traffic AND the revenue it can bring in. Making sure your site works? Check your web traffic. Reacting to changes in your industry? Your website traffic data can help you see how you’re doing. Measuring web traffic can help you build realistic …

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Business Strategy – What It Is & How to Build an Effective One

In the business world, professionals are obsessed with tactics because they can help them meet their short-term goals. But if all you do is focus on the short-term, you won’t spend enough time or energy figuring out how you can succeed in the long-term. Fortunately, building a strategy can help you achieve both your short-term and long-term goals. Strategy focuses …

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