Business Tips

Business Tips

7 Ways to Earn and Build Customer Loyalty for Your Business

Acquiring new customers is a must in growing your business, but it’s also equally important to build a rapport with your current customers. It’s not enough to be the chosen brand for a one-time purchase—you need to become the go-to brand for their desired products or services. How do you become the chosen brand? Let’s explore the ways you can …

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How to Avoid Chargebacks and Protect Your Small Business

By Susan Miller A chargeback is a consumer protection tool that allows users to get their money back for fraudulent, unauthorized, or defective merchandise. When chargebacks work as intended, they serve as an important consumer protection mechanism. But what happens if a customer is abusing the system by filing a false credit card dispute? Before answering this question, let me …

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12 Productivity Secrets of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

By Brad Hodgson Let’s face it, there’s no shortage of productivity hacks—you can find them everywhere. But the problem is, so many of them are just random pieces of advice from average people with no proof that their advice actually works. Wouldn’t it be better to follow the advice of already successful people and try to integrate their practices into …

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If Your Small Business Hasn’t Gone Digital Yet, You’re Going to Be Left Behind

By Rieva Lesonsky Post sponsored by The word “transformation” conjures up images of instant change. Like a Harry Houdini magic act, one second the elephant is there, the next it’s gone. But the digital transformation of small business hasn’t quite moved at that pace. It’s taken more of a slower, evolutionary pace. For many businesses that pace worked, until …

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Email Marketing: Still the Most Powerful Tool to Take Your Business to the Next Level

The key to running a successful business is enticing customers and clients to do business with you. So whether you’re scrambling to lure customers back during a global pandemic or expanding your markets during “normal” business times, the question is, How do you do that? What are the best ways to get customers to come to your store, website, restaurant, …

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Is Amazon the Right Place to Sell My Products?

By Teddy Smith Retailers today are turning to online marketplaces as a way to get their products in front of a bigger audience. One marketplace that has become especially popular is Amazon. Amazon Prime had a staggering 112 million U.S. users as of January 2020 and has a global reach which is unmatched by any other marketplace. While Amazon offers …

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How to Improve Your Professional Networking Strategy

Professional networking is a gateway to finding more work opportunities, more clients, and more avenues for professional advancement. No matter what your goals are, networking can help you achieve them. However, there are good and bad ways to approach networking, and there are definitive ways you can improve your networking approach.  Which strategies are best to improve your networking strategy?  …

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Type A Entrepreneurs: Here’s Why You Should Never Out Any Job

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that more than half of the people reading this article are Type A entrepreneurs. Don’t look behind you. I’m probably talking to you. Do you: Think your way of doing things is the best/only way? Find it hard to hire people as smart as you? Find yourself overwhelmed with work …

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Remote Brainstorming Sessions: Try These Great Tools and Tactics

Much of the business world has been working from home since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While some businesses have returned to some degree of in-person collaboration, many have remained remote and will stay that way for the near future. According to one Intermedia survey, 57% of small businesses expect to stay remote even after pandemic restrictions end. …

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Ready for a New Career in Sales? How to Ace Your Sales Job Interview

Layoffs, furloughs, and cutbacks. You might be thinking that now would be a great time to consider a new career in sales—and you should. Could you make it in sales? While not everyone is suited for a sales career, it is possible—even if you have to make the transition from a different career. Here is how to successfully interview and …

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