Business Tips

Business Tips

Types of Businesses – Definition of Business Types

A man is known by the company he organizes. – Ambrose Bierce [Types of Businesses] – Owning your own business is a major part of having great economic success in a capitalistic society. There are many types of businesses to choose from so one of the first decisions you’ll make is the type of business to open. There are several …

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Make Dry Ice Blasting Your Small Business Opportunity

What is dry ice blasting? Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting industrial cleaning that uses a solid form of carbon dioxide known as dry ice. Pellets or ice is shot through pressurized air stream of either one hose or two hose machines. Which system is best? Most systems today are the single hose technology. Technology using the …

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Evolving Your Business Ready for a Post Pandemic World

While the world has been at a standstill for the last few months because of an unprecedented, challenging pandemic – it means many of our favourite businesses, or our very own businesses, have slowly been decaying. The safety of employees evidently is first priority, but it’s clear that these challenging times need to be met with innovative, creative strategies in …

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Fatal Flaws in Your Business Plan

A business plan is the blueprint that guides aspiring entrepreneurs as they build their new business ventures. From 2008 – 2010, I taught a 20-week business plan writing course at an SBA-affiliated women’s business development organization. We met for three hours each week and students wrote their plans week by week, guided by the lessons. When evaluating a business concept, …

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10 Reasons Why You Should Manage Your Business Ethically

Why are ethics in business so important? Isn’t it enough to comply with the letter of the law and the rules of society? What’s in it for the business enterprise? These are all interesting questions. Many business owners feel that maximizing profits is the chief obligation of the firm. Other owners feel that operating a business in a transparent, ethical …

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Steps To Commercial Business Financing Options

Business financing options are provided by a number of non bank specialized finance companies in Canada. They provide an array of corporate solutions, all of them different but still allowing you to achieve cash flow and working capital goals. They are in fact, the answer to.. you guessed it ‘ no bank financing’ conundrums. The challenge for business owners and …

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7 Thoughts From Scripture for Struggling Christian Business Owners

I have seen a lot of articles that list scriptures for Christian business owners, but rarely do they have practical wisdom that goes with them. Yes, scripture can speak for itself, but when we are struggling Bible verses seem to get glossed over by our stressed-out mind. I want to share with you seven Bible verses with seven thoughts and …

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16 Things You Should Never Say When You’re Negotiating

When you’re negotiating a deal, a misinterpreted tone or poorly chosen words could ruin an otherwise successful conversation. Sometimes you may not know even which phrases might turn a deal sour. That’s why we asked 16 members of Young Entrepreneur Council the following question: Business is all about making the right deals, but it’s not always easy. What’s one thing …

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Creating A Man And Van Business In Bournemouth – TipsClear

Man And Van Business In Bournemouth: Nothing is more frustrating than putting in long hours and receiving minimum wage or less. The reality of working for an established business is that you always have to listen to somebody else calling the shots. If you want to create your own business, a Man and Van service is an excellent option as …

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What Is An Insurance Lawyer?

What Is An Insurance Lawyer? Insurance lawyers are lawyers who deal with insurance-related claims. Insurance lawyers can be found at local offices of the National Association of Insurance Professionals (NAPE) or the National Law Journal (NLJ). Each insurance lawyer has different ways of doing business. In general law firms, insurance lawyers will typically work directly with the insurers. However, sometimes …

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