Business Tips

Business Tips

NFTs Are They Really Worth The Hype?

What are NFTs? NFTs are digital assets secured by the blockchain. Think of them as unique, digital certificates of ownership that can represent anything from art to in-game items. Since they’re stored on the blockchain, they’re also immutable, meaning they cannot be duplicated or counterfeit. And because each NFT is unique, they can be bought, sold, or traded like any …

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5 Human Re Management Functions Every HR Manager Needs to Know

Human Re Management Functions: As the field of Human Res continues to evolve, so too do the responsibilities of HR managers. While the day-to-day tasks of an HR manager can vary based on the size and needs of their organization, there are certain functions that are essential to the role. Below are four of the most important functions that every …

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How Content Marketing and PR Combined Can Generate Leads

Content Marketing and PR can generate leads for your company by increasing brand visibility; this is because people will naturally seek out content related to what they’re interested in, which could be a product or service of yours if it aligns with their needs. This means that when consumers see an article about one such as how X works on …

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How To Create An Infographic In Powerpoint

It can be intimidating to create your own infographic when you don’t have a design background. You could always commission an agency or hire a designer — but that can get pricey fast. To create professional-looking infographics and captivate your audience, you can benefit from learning how to create your own infographics in PowerPoint. PowerPoint can be a marketer’s best …

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How to Measure Social Media Marketing ROI

As the market for social media marketing tools continues to grow, it’s important that you know how your investment is being measured. This can be challenging because there are so many different ways of evaluating ROI but we’ve created this guide with some ideas on where and when ROI might matter most in order help ensure any campaign has meaningful …

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The HubSpot Blog’s 2022 Instagram Marketing Trends Report

If you’ve been on Instagram lately, you’ve probably noticed that the app looks a bit different every time you log on. The heart-shaped notification button seems to move with a mind of its own, IGTV has disappeared, and the addition of the Reels and Shop buttons has completely changed the way we interact with the platform. While these changes seem …

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Top 12 Free and Paid Social Media Analytics Tools for 2022

When it comes to social media analytics, there are many different tools that one can use depending on their needs and budget. For businesses or organizations that want to track engagement metrics on a large scale, free tools like Google Analytics are a helpful option. These tools allow users to track page views, unique visitors, and other important data points …

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What Are Local Citations – Steps to Build Them for Your Business

Local citations are mentions of a business that appear on websites, directories, and other s within the same geographic area. These listings provide valuable information about the business, such as its name, address, and phone number. Building a strong local citation profile is an important aspect of local SEO for businesses. Typically, this involves creating or optimizing your business profile …

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9 Tips on How to Leave a Job on Good Terms

In the course of your life, it’s likely that you’ll to quit your job. This is commonplace in any career. When that time comes around the ability to exit your job with a smile is crucial. But, even though the decision to quit occurs frequently. It’s not difficult to upset certain feathers in the process of resignation, and also create friction. This …

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Everything You Need To Know About Keyword Match Types

Keyword match types are an essential tool for any digital marketer. These settings help to control the reach of your ads by determining which keywords trigger your ads and how loosely or tightly they have to match the specified keyword in order to trigger a response. The three major match types are broad match, which triggers ads for all relevant …

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