Business Tips

Business Tips

Why Use A Refinansiering Kalkulator & How To Choose One

The thoughts of refinancing your loan never come to people out of the blue. So, if this is something you are thinking of doing, it means that you have your reasons for it. Your credit score might have improved, or your general financial situation might be better right now, which is why you have started thinking about changing your loan …

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Quora: Are They Right For Your Business?

When you think of online advertising, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? Google? Facebook? YouTube? If you limit yourself to those digital media giants, you could be missing out on a more targeted market that is reaching 300 million users every month. What Is Quora? And Who Uses It? Quora is a social question-and-answer website, founded in …

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The Ultimate Guide to Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Service Level Agreements: At many companies, it can feel as if there are 100 miles between sales and marketing. In a recent LinkedIn survey, 60% of global respondents believed that misalignment between sales and marketing could damage financial performance, yet there are a number of disconnects between the teams from strategy to process. One of the most critical steps for …

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What It Is and How to Adopt it In Your Marketing Strategy

A few months ago, while I was driving to the airport, I saw a billboard for Kim Kardashian’s company, SKIMS. A week later, I saw ads on Instagram, then a SKIMS segment on “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” I had one of those moments where I thought “SKIMS is showing up everywhere!” That’s because the company has an integrated media …

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The 8 Best Free Flowchart Templates [+ Examples]

Free Flowchart Templates will help you easily map out business processes, improve workflows, and even clarify your organizational structure — without you needing to draw a single line from scratch. And if you think you don’t need to use flowcharts for business, think again. While bulleted lists, Word documents, or even presentations help, they don’t provide the same level of …

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A Quick Guide to Conditional Formatting in Excel

Conditional Formatting in Excel: Let’s pretend you have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows of data — it would be pretty difficult to spot patterns in the data with the naked eye. Enter conditional formatting. This powerful tool highlights cells that meet a specific condition or “rule.” In other words, it brings your spreadsheet to life by adding color to patterns …

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