Business Tips

Business Tips

My Employee Wants Flexible Hours … But Her Job Doesn’t Allow It columnist Alison Green answers questions about workplace and management issues–everything from how to deal with a micromanaging boss to how to talk to someone on your team about body odor. Here’s a roundup of answers to five questions from readers. 1. My employee wants flexible hours in a job that doesn’t allow it I manage an employee who is …

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The Best Way to ‘Pay to Stay’

As we approach the end of another crazy year and businesses continue to bounce from week to week between gunning the gas and hitting the brakes in their hiring, there’s been a lot of talk about compensation levels. The discussion ranges from looking backwards — hazardous duty pay and “thanks” for sticking around payments — to addressing current hiring needs. …

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4 Buy-Ranked Stocks that Soared Over 20% in the Past Week

The market remains on its toes as investors digest the ton of information hitting us about now. – Zacks Perhaps the most significant in all that is the rising bond yield. Rising yields are negative for stocks because they’re considered risk-free investments. So when yields rise, it makes more sense for investors to get into safe bonds rather than risky …

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The Unstoppable Power of WordPress

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I’ve been a professional developer since 2005, which has given me the experience to create just about any custom code I want. Yet, when it comes to real-world business applications, WordPress is my go-to in nearly every situation because it almost always makes the most sense for businesses. The problem with paid …

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Low-Code and No-Code Design Is the Future of Website Building

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The low-code and no-code web design movements are going through a renaissance. Every day, low-code and no-code website building platforms are releasing new features, innovations and solutions to continuously bridge the gap between what someone with nearly zero coding skills can accomplish and a full-fledged developer. After all, why would any web professional waste …

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During the Great Resignation, Employers Are Forgetting 1 Key Strategy to Keep Their People

The pandemic changed everything, and for most employee segments, it deeply affected their sense of belonging and inclusion. Against the backdrop of a “war for talent” and record-high quit rate, employees now demand flexibility, space, support, and trust from their organizations. However, data from a newly released report from professional and personal coaching company BetterUp shows that organizations are struggling …

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What are the myths and realities of a current leader? I have been a mindset coach for more than a decade supporting people and teams to generate the results they expect through mindset res. I have witnessed and participated in the personal growth of people and I have supported companies and organizations to restructure their human re models to integrate them with their productive capacity, and with it, move …

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Here’s How You Can Create a Highly Profitable Website

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Fundamentally a website is your most powerful tool because it’s capable of evolving as your business grows and because it’s a tireless worker. Nobody on the planet can work harder than a website because a website is available 365 days a year, 24/7. It doesn’t need to sleep, never gets sick and …

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People Who Embrace the ‘Z-Y-X Rule’ Have Very High Emotional Intelligence

This is a story about a simple trick that will help you communicate better and achieve the things you want in life. It’s deeply rooted in  emotional intelligence, so if you find it intriguing, I invite you to download my ebook: Improving Emotional Intelligence 2021, which you can find here for free. We’ll call it the “Z-Y-X Rule.” Why? Because the easiest …

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Third Man Records Opens Third Retail Store and Venue in London

A short distance from the hustle and bustle of London’s Carnaby Street, a new yellow storefront serves as an entrance to Jack White’s old-fashioned Americana. The ceiling of red tin, the rows of record players, and the 1950s-era recording booth are reminiscent of the White’s Nashville home. But it’s the view of a traditional U.K. telephone box that is tucked away by …

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