

Insurance Coverage for the Egg /Poultry Farmer

Like any entrepreneur, a poultry farm owner is exposed to numerous commercial liability risks. Storms, floods, fires, insect and rodent damage and equipment are perhaps more real in this area than others. However, the real threat posed by this type of farmer concerns the dreaded salmonella bacteria. Salmonella contamination can cause food poisoning. In the case of the poultry farmer, …

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The Affordable Alternative to Traditional Individual Health Insurance

To begin, let’s define what I mean by traditional health insurance. The traditional health insurance policy is composed of: The Deductible – This is the amount you need to pay for a medical event before your health insurance starts paying. In today’s world this deductible is often $ 3000 or more. Co-insurance: once the deductible is satisfied, most policies require …

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Insurance Adjuster – What Do They Do?

An insurance employee has many jobs, but the main one is to find out for the insured what exact compensation will be paid to them. Today, insurance is a very broad field with many different types of insurance with each having its own specific rules, financial aspects and policies. Being an insurance adjuster is a very popular field. Generally they …

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Why You Need An Umbrella Insurance Policy?

You may have heard of umbrella insurance, but you may not know exactly what it means. It doesn’t guarantee you will stay dry while walking in the rain, but it does provide an umbrella of almost everything that other traditional insurance policies don’t. In addition, it closes the gaps in coverage after the limits of the standard policy are exhausted. …

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4 Reasons Why You Need Life Insurance in College Itself

Life is full of uncertainties and we can never know what life has planned for tomorrow. And the students are no different in this. Even if you are a student, this does not mean that you are immune to the unwanted events of life. Life insurance policies protect you and your loved ones from the uncertainty of life. In the …

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Large Deductible Insurance – How to Cure the Collateral Blues

Large deductible insurance may seem a painless way to reduce workers’ compensation or liability costs. But appearances can be deceiving. The collateral your insurer needs to protect credit risk can put your credit lines or credit rating at risk. Here are three cures for this common problem. Treatment 1 – Guaranty A security is a three-party contact between you, your …

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5 Tips for Home Insurance Discounts

You can get yourself an online policy that will cover you perfectly at a very low price. By investing a little time and effort in online research it is often possible to get a good prize. Let’s start by listing the 5 best ways to save on home insurance on line. 1. Increase your deductibles A deductible is the amount …

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PIP: Insurance Coverage That You Want Together With Your Auto Policy

Have you ever heard of PIP? For those unfamiliar, we will provide you with the long form name for this form of coverage. Personal insurance protection is an extension of an auto insurance policy that is optional coverage in some states, coverage required in others and not available in other states. What is that? PIP or Personal Insurance Protection is …

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Why Not Be Your Own Pet Insurance Company?

It is midnight and you are in the emergency pet hospital with your dog. It turns out that he broke his back leg and this requires orthopedic surgery. The operation will cost $ 2,500 with hundreds of dollars in physiotherapy and treatment. Does this sound familiar or scary? This is why the pet insurance industry is one of the fastest …

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