
Improve Your Content’s Performance With These Tips

Quality content is great; however, great content is even better. The question is, how do you define great content? While it should be easy to read and well-written, it also needs to hit home for the intended audience. It should also convert. After all, this is why you create content, right? When content is high performing, it is useful for your …

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If You Don’t Make These 5 Changes, You’re Not a Great Leader Anymore

The world has changed. And truly great leaders are changing how they operate too. In short, when so much of the way the world does business has shifted from in-person to virtual work, the key leadership attributes that best motivate people have evolved as well. Now, a brand-new study in the Journal of Business and Psychology seems almost eerily tailored to the current …

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Three Things I Learned From Being Rejected by Mark Cuban

In addition to being a tech columnist, I’m also a parent of four young children. Which, as I’m sure you can imagine, means I’m acutely interested in what happens this fall with regard to school. One of the side-projects I’m working on is a software platform for online learning to help teachers and students continue to learn, even if they …

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A Good Night’s Sleep Is Key to Success. Here’s How Much Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffet Get Each Night

In contemporary business language, you’ll rarely hear phrases like “I’ll get back to you right after my nap” or “I’m sleeping in today.” We expect to hear energetic buzzwords like “action that,” “pivot,” and “disrupt” coming from the mouths of great entrepreneurs. The closest thing to a restful catchphrase you might hear is a philosophical “Let me sleep on it.” But …

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Walmart Just Made a Huge Announcement. Here’s the Key Thing Everyone Missed

I’m sure you saw the news: Walmart announced that it won’t be open on  Thanksgiving Day this year. But there’s a key takeaway from Walmart’s decision that almost everyone seems to have missed–one that could add up to a crucial advantage for your business during these universally uncertain times. First, the background. Historically, Walmart has opened its doors on Thanksgiving …

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Why Remote Work is Bad for Younger Employees

If there is one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to the pandemic, it’s that remote work is going to be a lot more common when it’s over. That sounds like a good thing to me. I’ve been working remotely for over a decade and shudder in horror at the thought of going back to an office. But …

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With Fewer College Students on Campus, Northwestern’s Evanston Adapts

Most summers, swarms of kids attending specialty camps and other programs at Northwestern University keep sales brisk at Campus Gear, a 28-year-old purveyor of purple-and-white apparel and souvenirs. This year, with Covid-19 canceling all activities, business is off 90 percent at the store’s main location in downtown Evanston, Illinois. Two other Campus Gear outlets, by Ryan Field stadium, remain closed. Owner …

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6 Traits That’ll Make You Indispensable at Work

In my experience at all levels within large organizations as well as small ones, the team members valued the most are the ones seen by others as indispensable or “go-to” people. The challenge we all face is how to be one of these without overworking, while still getting the right things done. I’ve been trying for years to net out the key …

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When Will We Really See 5G?

Got your 5G phone? Didn’t think so. It’s easy to talk about the eventual arrival of future technologies, but really hard to say when we will see them. Every phone maker and telecom carrier is constantly claiming that the new world is right around the corner and just you wait – life’ll be great.   The hype isn’t likely to slow …

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How Much YouTube Paid Me for a Video with Over One Million Views

Before I begin to break this case study down, here are a few quick disclaimers: 1. As click-baity as this title is…this is NOT a clickbait article. My plan is to be as transparent as possible to show you how much (or little) creating content on Youtube is worth if you put in the effort and how to optimize a potential revenue opportunity. 2. There‘s …

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