
Metal Cabinets – The Workhorses Of The Cabinet World

There are many domestic situations where wooden wardrobes are not acceptable choices and wardrobes have been designed with these situations in mind. Metal furniture, for example, are ideal containers for garage workshops and garden tools. They are fantastic to use as a basement storage for all the accumulated items that the family does not use often, but it is not …

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5 Things You Can Do With Your Landscape in the Winter

Many gardeners worry about the arrival of winter and the snowy weather. This is mainly due to the fact that the garden does not see much action and therefore the popular landscape architecture projects are put to rest until the thaw effect of spring touches the place. Believe it or not, there are still some projects that you can tackle …

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Ten Important Facts About Garden Gnome Statues

Some of the most interesting pieces that can be found in the gardens and meadows of many houses are the statues of garden gnomes. Nice, funny, and adorable, a lawn gnome is the envy of many, especially children. They have their way of tickling your senses and beautifying your lawns. Why do these statues affect homeowners so much? What are …

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Garden Using Those Pesky Plastic Pots

Anyone who has a garden or has ever had a potted plant has had to deal with those seemingly useless plastic pots. Many people throw them out. I save them until they crumble and reuse several times. They can be the “greenest” element in your garden that saves you greener. I have a very small gardening space, including containers, but …

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Top Tips for Spring Foraging

Spring is a time of rebirth. An appeal to leave the darkness of winter behind and go out for the sun and longer days. The transition from winter to spring occurs quickly, providing the basic truth in the phrase “spring has arisen”. You could shovel the driveway one day and then see a skunk cabbage pushing up through the snow …

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Lawn Alternative – Growing A Lawn With Native Prairie Grass

My lawn isn’t as green and well-kept as a golf course, but I don’t hate it. We fertilize once a year (usually, if we remember), but we don’t use other chemicals. It is uneven – lush and green in spots, thin in others. The terrain is rocky and rough, not very suitable for the perfect lawn. I’m fine with that. …

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Herb Garden Ideas

Fresh herbs are great when it comes to cooking and many people want them daily. What better way to enjoy fresh herbs in your kitchen than the old ones of a few minutes? There are no deep dark secrets when it comes to growing herbs. In fact, herbs are really very easy to grow and you don’t even need a …

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Preparing an Allotment – Tools for Tall People

Tools for Tall People: With more and more people getting assignments, the need for soil cultivation tools, as well as the height of the population, is growing. Taller people can benefit greatly from the tools made especially for them as they will simplify the activity with less flex. Are we getting taller as a species? We all stayed in historic …

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Tips On Avoiding Weeds In Your Mobile Home Garden

Mobile Home Garden: Your mobile home is an investment and as such you want to make sure it is kept in the best possible condition. This doesn’t just mean the inside … the outside also matters. Many people don’t even consider their backyard when they buy their mobile home for the first time. But chances are you have started considering …

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