
7 Practical Tips to Make Gardening Easier

Gardening isn’t an easy task, especially if you’ve put a lot of effort into it. It won’t be long before you take care of the flower beds, pruning and doing all sorts of other gardening chores starts to feel tiring and overwhelming. The purpose of gardening is to make you feel happy, not very tired. Ð To achieve this, you …

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What Are Some Unusual Vegetables To Grow And Eat

Unusual Vegetables To Grow And Eat: USDA recommends consuming 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. It might seem like a lot, especially if your vegetarian repertoire is made up of carrots and celery only. The thing is, there are tons of unusual types of vegetables out there that could spark your interest and get you excited not only …

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Legacy Plants: Honor Your Ancestors With Pass-Along Plants

I come from a long line of plant lovers. Some of the mine the ancestors were farmers, while my grandmother was a nut for roses and my mother, a master gardener, does not discriminate. There is something comforting and adorable for this long line of amateur botanists. It makes me feel like I have a common thread even with those …

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Uses For Fresh Vegetables – Using Fresh Vegetables From Your Garden

Let’s tell the truth. We all know we should eat more vegetables. USDA guidelines recommend that adults eat 4 to 5 servings of vegetables every day. I find that growing a garden puts fresh vegetables on hand, which challenges me to find creative uses for fresh vegetables. If you are looking for some innovative ways to use fresh vegetables, let …

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Gardening For Small Spaces – French Intensive Garden Design

As a beginner gardener, planning your first growing space can be both exciting and a little confusing. Those unfamiliar with growing plants may not know what to expect. Depending on the harvest, the size and space requirements for growing vegetables can vary widely. And for newbies who grow up in small urban construction sites or limited spaces, the process can …

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Ethnic Vegetable Growing – Exploring The World With Your Taste Buds

Ethnic Vegetable Growing: The USDA recommends eating 5 to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Which can seem terrible if you or your children are among the many who think “vegetable” is a four-letter word. The fact is that most Americans stick to the same handful of vegetables, which is not only boring but, if you really hate …

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Common Mistakes With Weed Control

We all have them – weeds. It’s the way we handle those weeds that’s the problem. It is probably safe to say that weeding is a necessary job. Most gardeners hate weeding, including myself, but we hate weeds more. If you don’t get them before they go to seed, the problem multiplies. The use of herbicides saves you from some …

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Gardeners Beware – Worst Plants For The Garden

Worst Plants For The Garden: Unwanted garden plants did you curse and trample? As a gardener, it’s a little difficult to admit that there are plants that you can’t stand. But don’t feel bad about it. Come out and admit to abhorring the dandelions that creep into your lawn every year or the miniature potted roses you keep buying, but …

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Battling Issues In The Garden – Struggles In The High Desert Region

When it comes to managing problems in the garden, sometimes I just want to raise my hands and pour the cement over the whole kit and kaboodle. I live in the high desert region of eastern Oregon, and it’s a riot of weeds, weather and pests. Fight problems in the garden There isn’t much I can do for the weather. …

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Planting Mullein In The Garden: One Unforgettable Gardening Event

Have you ever felt the best “don’t sweat the little things“? My mom said it so much, and she says it all the time, that it has become a guiding principle in our family. When it comes to gardening, I always have this saying in the back of my mind. For me, it means gardening should be fun and not …

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