
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Double Potting

Double potting is a term that can be applied to a couple of different gardening methods, but the basic essence is always the same. It is the practice of inserting one potted plant into another, slightly larger. No matter how you do it, the benefits of double potting are numerous and not as obvious as you might think. But as …

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What I Learned Growing Plants In Containers

I have never been one to follow the so-called “rules” for gardening. I prefer to follow my path, experimenting and inventing my rules. And while most of the time it works, there have been times when trying my things has led to failure (and pain). But such is life and we must continue to fight in the wake of such …

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7 Ways to Grow Potatoes at Home

If you’ve been thinking about growing your own potatoes, now is the time to do it. Before you start, however, you need to consider the right planting approach for your garden. A few years ago I did a test: I grew German butterball potatoes using seven different planting methods. In the course of the growing season, the advantages and disadvantages …

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Battling Earwig Pests – My Fight With Pests In The Garden

Battling Earwig Pests: As a gardener, I expect pests. And many don’t scare me too much. I am used to them. One who really makes my skin crawl, and who seems to love my patio, my garden, and my containers, is the headdress. I have spent years fighting these creatures and have reached some respite. Pests and petunias of Earwig …

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How To Avoid Cucumber Beetle Damage

How To Avoid Cucumber Beetle Damage? If only I could rub a magical watering can and bring out a genius from the garden! My first wish would be to free my garden from the striped cucumber beetle and its cousin, the spotted cucumber beetle. Over the years, the damage from the cucumber beetle has profaned more of my cucurbit plants …

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Top 10 Questions About Container Gardening

Questions About Container Gardening: It can be disheartening that your hard work in the garden goes to caput due to unexpected challenges. That’s why Gardening Know How’s goal is to help you avoid these problems, or at least modify them, by providing the best possible information for your garden to thrive – and this includes answering the gardening questions that …

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Top Choices For Planting A Full Sun Container Garden

Planting A Full Sun Container Garden: Container gardening is a great way to use limited outdoor space, but it also offers greater variety and visual interest in larger gardens. Some plants do better than others in confined spaces and, if you fill the sunny places, you will have to choose the right container plants that like the sun. Cultivation of …

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Successful Container Gardening Tricks Anyone Can Do

Potted plants are no longer just for Mother’s Day. Container gardening has become an event in its own right and gardeners grow flowers, vegetables and herbs in containers ranging from shells to old bathtubs. Potted gardening has many advantages and makes sowing accessible even if you don’t have a well-drained yard or soil. But the rules for helping plants thrive …

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Trying To Top My First Year Container Growing Basil

When I was just out of college, I moved to the big city. The move was a dream come true, except that I was a little bit alone for my more rural roots. To bring some of the small-town girls to the big city, I decided to try planting some herbs and vegetables in my new rental home. This rental …

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Growing A Terrarium – Passing Along The Garden Wisdom

Growing A Terrarium: When I first entered terrarium gardening, I thought it would be simple. And somehow it is. Put on the ground and plants and you have a terrarium. But that garden won’t last long unless you know how to do it right. Over the years, by growing these small gardens, I have collected some useful tips for terrarium …

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