Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

what you should and you should not

Heavy caked up foundation, loads of eye makeup and blush. Do you feel this should be the makeup for summers? Summers mean playing with the colors when it comes to makeup even though this is also true that makeup has no boundaries. Do whatever you like but if you are still confused as to what should be your summer makeup …

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How to make this Homemade Eye Brightening Serum

Eye serums can be extremely helpful when you have dryness, dark circles under the eyes or the puffy eyes. With so much stress and less sleep these days, we get dark circles. You can use a homemade under eye brightening serum to revive the darkness and make them vanish soon. This serum will also improvise on the fine lines and …

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10 Makeup Products for working women: Must haves

Must have Makeup Products that working women should have in their hand bag Modern Indian working women need to look presentable but while getting ready in the morning most of the working women may not get the sufficient time. Reason can be getting up late, kids to handle or the other house hold chores. Whether the reason is, working women …

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Homemade Indian Herbal Shampoo Recipe with Reetha, Amla and Shikkakai

Homemade Indian Herbal Shampoo Recipe We will share herbal recipe for homemade shampoo which cleanses the scalp and gives a healthy boost to the hair. Not only that this homemade recipe will be favorable for hair they are good as they lacks the chemicals that the readymade shampoos contain. Products like Amla (Indian Goose berry) Shikkakai (Acicuia Concina) and Reetha …

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10 Indian Vegetarian Foods for Healthy Hair And Scalp

Indian Vegetarian Foods for Healthy Hair And Scalp Food that you eat plays an important role in the way your skin and hair looks. Unless you are genetically blessed with beautiful gorgeous hair, you have to keep a tab on what you eat if you want healthy hair and scalp. Deficiency of certain vitamins, minerals and proteins may lead to …

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Natural Beauty Tips for Attractive Beautiful Eyes

Attractive beautiful eyes that shine and look radiant make you even more pretty. It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul and if that is true, one must look after their eyes. When we meet anyone, their eyes are what we look at and notice. Due to stress dark circles can come and the eye can …

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8 Home Remedies for Insect Bite and Rashes

Insect bites are very common. They can be due to bees, mosquitoes, some flies, wasps, spider etc. Whenever I roam around in garden in the evening or at the terrace, I will get one such insect bite. Some of them are tiny dots like and has no major problem but some can have severe itching and redness with some fluid …

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Home Remedies for Forehead Acne and Pimples

Forehead acne or pimples can cause embarrassment and make you feel conscious of your appearance since forehead is a region which is quite visible when someone meets you. Acne can happen at any age though teen years are when we see a hormonal thrust leading to acne and pimple problems. Stress can also be a reason for acne breakouts. So, …

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Natural Herbal Remedies for Acne and Pimples

Acne and pimples are quite irritating as they get red, painful and leave scars and marks on the face. Teenagers mostly suffer from acne problem though acne can erupt at any age. Acne when not treated on time may result in the permanent scarring of the skin. There are various skin creams to treat acne as they have ingredients which …

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Natural Ways to Increase Breast Size at Home

Natural methods to increase breast size Breasts are one of the most important and appealing part of women. Firm and suitably sized breast enhances confidence. Women with smaller breast may wish to increase the breast size and for that there are various medical procedures to enhance the size of the breasts. But that too can have their own complication besides …

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