
Love and seduction: the new rules of courtship

Love and seduction: the writer Lila Azam Zanganeh, who has lived in different parts of the world and speaks several languages, has compiled a collection of new rules of seduction in the post #MeToo era for the latest issue of L’Uomo. If a man compliments a woman, or keeps a door open, or carries his luggage, is he a patriarchal …

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French Manicure, the definitive guide

Revisited, reinterpreted, decorated: the French manicure always like, like a lot. To find out more, we interviewed Antonio Sacripante, Director of Education for pArish and nail stylist protagonist of the fashion weeks. Why is it called French Manicure and who proposed it for the first time? “There are those who attribute the authorship of this nail design to Chanel, dating …

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Francesco Vezzoli: auction on Sotheby’s for the Vanity Fair

The artist Francesco Vezzoli has created exclusively for Vanity Fair a work dedicated to the emergency that hit Italy due to the Covid-19 pandemic: the canvas, a tricolor, a tribute to Lucio Fontana, represents the wound and at the same time the crack left by the pandemic. The image, on the cover of the Vanity Fair issue of 15 April …

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We Are One: A Global Film Festival: eight films not to be missed

We Are One: A Global Film Festival on YouTube The coronavirus emergency has profoundly changed the entertainment industry, so much so that film festivals have become virtual. But nobody is more ambitious than We Are One: A Global Film Festival, on YouTube from 29 May to 7 June: 10 days of digital entertainment, and free, and an offer to the …

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Bulgari opens the first eShop in Italy

Bulgari launches a new online shopping experience: in Italy, from June 4th you can buy Roman High Jewelry with a click An exclusive and efficient sales service is among the best “pampering” that a customer can receive when he wants to buy a luxury item. Bulgari knows this well and, for this reason, has studied every little detail to arrive …

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Post-pimple spots how to eliminate them: 7 remedies

Who has suffered from knows acne strict, but also those who have had only a few imperfections every now and then: once the imperfection has disappeared, a red or brown post-pimple spot will most likely remain. It seems to be the unavoidable consequence of any imperfection, but something can be done to understand how to delete acne blemishes faster, than …

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The history of fashion shows by images

In just over 15 minutes, the fashion show is able to give life to a stylist’s vision of the future, leaving an indelible mark in culture. Far from being static, the concept of fashion show it evolves just like fashion does. From the beginnings (with presentations on mannequins for customer use) to the introduction of the so-called fashion parade with …

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Easy light eye makeup: how to make it – Tips

Target makeup clear eyes easy to make. If summer has always been the season of makeup glow, simple and essential to ward off unwanted cakey effect, on the other hand, this year we have to manage the mask that left us “without nose and without mouth”, requiring us to concentrate all attention on the eyes. But one thing is certain: …

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Banksy in Ferrara: the new exhibition

Banksy in Ferrara: Banksy occupy Ferrara. Since Saturday over a hundred works of the famous street-artist English will be exhibited at the Palace of Diamonds, Renaissance heart of the Este city. The combination is surprising and is good news, given the myriad of exhibitions, more or less valid, which have recently been dedicated to him in our country (the last …

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Audrey Hepburn: 5 things you don’t know about Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Audrey Hepburn once said, “I never think of myself as an icon. What is on the minds of others is not on mine. I only do my things. ” Well we can say it, it wasn’t exactly like that. Certainly, Audrey Hepburn has become a cinematographic and fashion icon. And if there is a film that more than others has …

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