Lifestyle News

Top 10 Creepy Historical Comparisons of Women’s Rights

Already, the right to vote for women in 1944, it’s scary. Not because it’s women who vote, huh, but because it’s still really late in history, what. Finally, we got so used to this date that it hardly shocks us anymore. That’s a shame. In reality, we’ve gotten so used to being bullied like that, that we don’t realize that …

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Top 10 Urban Legends About Video Games, Haunted Pokemon Music

The world of video games is a small fantasy world that is increasingly renowned, so it is quite logical that as it grows its history also evolves and that with it small legends are forged like we forge iron daggers in a loop in Skyrim to level up the linked skill. So here we’re going to talk about urban legends …

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Top 12 ways to open your beer and what it means about you, chin chin

Believe it or not, everything you do in life has meaning. Your behavior, the things you buy, the stuff you say can easily allow anyone to guess every little bit of your personality (even the ones you try to hide under a mask of kindness). For example, if we look at the summer festivals you go to and the ways …

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Top 10 of the best improvised scenes in series, they are strong these actors

We recognize a good actor by his ability to improvise brilliantly without it being noticed in the final production. There are plenty of improvised cult scenes in the cinema but also in the series and very often, we do not know until well after the broadcast of the episodes that gags, reactions or entire scenes were improvised. 1. The best …

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Top 11 people who don’t want to live, do they want to end it or what?

If most of us do our best to survive in this world, some people seem to want to leave it as soon as possible. They won’t tell you, they’ll never admit it, but their behavior speaks for them: the way they put themselves in danger on a daily basis reveals their weak attachment to life. In short, these people do …

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Top 10 worst health advice from influencers, don’t listen to these people

Social networks are a world apart. A place where the field of possibilities is pushed back to its climax. A place where all kinds of people live together, from the smartest to the most stupid. Just like in real life. But in this microcosm, there is still a separate group: influencers. Once again, there are real content creators who do …

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Top 10 series that make people look better, there’s a little abuse

Historical series and other biopics are hot. Even if they regularly contain a few errors, like one or two anachronisms that would make historians cry, it’s still one of the best ways to get people interested in History (even the most recent). Only, they often fall into a big mistake by casting actors and actresses that are far too BG …

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Top 12 moments when life gives us the middle finger

Life has funny ways of reminding us that we are nothing, that we don’t matter and that if we died right now, it wouldn’t change anything in the world overall. Yeah sorry, that’s hard to hear, but at the same time, it’s true. Anyway, sometimes life sends us passive-aggressive signals that aren’t bad enough to fuck up a whole day, …

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