Lifestyle News

Top 10 myths that do not pass the test of statistics

Received ideas still have a bright future ahead of them. The proof, the statistics may have invalidated them for a long time, we continue to believe in them (well, some continue). So we’re going to restore the truth a little in all this fabric of lies in which we get tripped up like fawns with weak supports endangered by the …

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Top 12 times series have been saved by their fans

When fans have something in mind they usually make it known, and if you touch their favorite series they clearly won’t let it go. It has happened several times in history that fans have pressured a production to prevent the deletion of their favorite series and that it works (even if it remains rare). Westworld and The OA fans know …

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Top 12 Cast Photos From Don’t Do This, Don’t That, Before vs Now

We can tell ourselves that no, in real life, we’re not that old, even if we don’t really understand all of them expressions of generation Z, there are moments that quickly bring us back to the passage of time, and a little too quickly for our taste. We talk in particular about this moment when we look at the before/after …

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Top 10 fates of people on famous album covers

Music is not just music. She mouths a corner of this intro, huh? Well, what I mean is that the music, well, it’s also visuals, and you don’t make a great album without a great cover (not in terms of size, but of artistic force). That’s what leads us today to have album covers that popularize places and faces of …

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Top 10 things that didn’t age well in sitcoms

Today I probably won’t make up for it in the eyes of the fans of Friends that I had included in the top of the most overrated series, but here we have to talk about these old sitcoms. Series that are very nice for the most part, but which, in certain aspects, have aged badly. Let’s take a look at …

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Top 10 favorite French companies

This year again, Ifop has produced its ranking of the favorite companies of the French. To carry out the survey, the polling company questioned more than 3,000 people, based on a representative sample of the population, and by submitting to them a list of 77 companies made in France. They had to rate them according to 7 criteria: performance, innovation, …

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Top 10 jobs that bring nothing to society, if we are honest

We’re back with a free, wicked top because we know you love it. In addition to all the bullshit jobs in the spheres of finance and communication, there are plenty of people we meet on a daily basis who have a job that is a bit useless. Obviously, we do not throw stones at these people who are just trying …

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Top 20 photos of people who have spent their money very badly

We may make tops that explain how to save money, there are still people to do anything with their money. And again, we’re not even talking about buying cigarettes or tap lessons, but about paying for things that are way too expensive compared to what they’re really worth. Here are some examples that are sure to make you grow « …

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