Lifestyle News

Top 10 proofs that New York is a bad city, long live Tourcoing

Every year it’s the same, lots of people go on a trip to New York as if it was THE dream destination par excellence and that you absolutely had to go there to be someone cool. When in fact it’s just a city, and there are many other cities near you. In a completely objective way I will give you …

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Top 6 historical miracles that have been explained, we understand better

Surely you have already heard of the various miracles that people claim to have experienced all over the world for hundreds of years. These extraordinary facts are most of the time associated with divine intervention and even if some remain mysterious, many of them could be explained over time. We’re still waiting to find out how to turn water into …

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Top 12 theories and hidden details in 1899, a really good series

It’s a bit of the series of the moment that erases all the others and it was rather expected from the creators of Dark. 1899 is a series that does not take you by the hand and distills a lot of mysteries throughout its first season. But we quickly missed a few things, so we’ll give you a little list …

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Top 10 things we remembered from this France-Australia

We’ve been waiting for this for 4 years (for those who don’t boycott and who rather go to the movies, to the restaurant, or in the cellar covering their ears). The Blues are putting their title on the line in Qatar, starting with a match against Subway-sponsored bad beer drinkers, the Aussies. First we freaked out, then we huffed, then …

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Top 20 of the best tweets on France-Australia, that’s it

A World Cup debut match is always a bit special, we are tense, the players too and we send a signal to the other teams. The signal sent is that we are in pretty good shape and that Twitter – just before closing if we believe the rumor – too. 1. The whole stadium was very warm, fans on top …

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Top 15 Best Funny Cheddarbacon Illustrations That’s Just Plain Truth

Hi my little Pom’Potes caps, tell me, I was wondering: do you also happen to look in the mirror and wonder if it’s really you who are hiding behind this petrified face? facial expressions that only reflect the emptiness of your soul drowned in the ineptitude of your existence? Well I don’t really have an answer, but I found a …

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Top 15 objects that are not suitable for tall people

We’ve told you a thousand times about the daily struggles when you’re left-handed, but believe me, there are always much worse than us. The life of left-handers, next to that of tall people, is la vida loca. DisneyLand. Paradise on Earth. Do you imagine, you, evolving on a land where absolutely NOTHING is thought for you? Nothing at all ! …

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