Lifestyle News

Top 12 actors we see EVERYWHERE on Netflix, hello renewal

We do not say that on Netflix, all the series are exactly the same, that would not be very nice of us and not totally true (except for Elite and Young Royals. And Outlander and Poldark). On the other hand, it is always the same actors who play in all the films and series on the platform, and after a …

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Top 10 bestselling stuff on the dark web, want a passport?

If for ordinary mortals the dark web represents a dark and evil place (which it can totally be in places) it is above all generally misunderstood and mysterious. However, this “internet in our internet” is used every day by thousands, even millions of people. Unsurprisingly, it is used, among other things, to sell more or less legal stuff (usually illegal, …

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Top 10 reasons to marry Giroud, what a man

So that we finally stop comparing him unnecessarily to Benzema – package for the 2022 World Cup – Giroud has just made us dream during the France-Australia match. The guy planted 2 goals which, added to those of Rabiot and Mbappé, allowed us to go from a rotten start to a magical moment. It may be time to put it …

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Top 10 of the most absurd convictions, when the judges are funny

Who said justice couldn’t be funny at times? Me. I said it just yesterday thinking it was the most boring thing in the world and it seems like I was wrong since there are some subtleties I hadn’t thought of: punishments. Yes, because sometimes the law decides to punish criminals in a particularly inventive and original way rather than giving …

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Top 10 clothes banned in certain schools, and it’s weird

As Anatole France said “Of all the schools I have attended, truant school seemed to me the best” and there’s nothing like starting a top with a quote looted from an obscure quotes site to give yourself some allure. In short, you will have understood today we are talking about school, this place where you learn all kinds of stuff …

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Top 20 Boomer T-Shirts That Are Awkward and Unfunny

Boomers often have weird delusions: telling us it was better before, telling us that they were offered an orange for Christmas, and wearing boomer t-shirts. But what if, you know, those kind of t-shirts with “humorous” messages that turn out to be way more embarrassing than funny? We don’t know why they inflict their lack of taste on us, but …

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Top 14 dumb things we owe to old people (those sucky people)

The old people are endearing, the advertisements with sad grandpas make us cry in two seconds, and there’s nothing cuter than a gaga granny, I admit. But still… They don’t always make our life easier! Frankly, there are times, when it was necessary to make choices, they all decided to move forward united in the worst direction, what. NICE for …

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