Lifestyle News

Top 10 things you see with every goal on TV in the World Cup

There are essentials at the World Cup: the Belgians who are beaten when they thought they were world champions, the Asian teams who run a lot but lose and then the director’s plans with each goal, some of which will remain as Highlights from this edition. Even if these images are always the same in fact. 1. A crying kid …

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Top 10 things you need to do to be smarter, according to science

Have you ever been told that eating fish will make you smarter? Wow, that’s a big mistake. A good idea received on the food which has the hard tooth! Stop believing everything you’re told, and turn a little to science if you want to skyrocket your gray matter! Scientists give you a new study on intelligence every 4 mornings, so …

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Top 15 of Vinted’s worst dodgers, episode 17

Ehhhhhh hello to all my little wooden hangers! It’s almost Christmas so I decided, in my extreme kindness, to offer you your present in advance: a good salvo of big suckers on Vinted. Yeah, I know, it’s the most beautiful present you’ve ever received, but what do you want, we’re like that at Topito, we give, we give without counting. …

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Top 9 things whose prices will increase in 2023, we can’t wait

Who says crisis says less money and rising prices, two principles that oppose each other and precipitate the world into a horrible paradoxical situation. In order to be prepared for 2023, you must already be aware of what will drastically increase in terms of prices in the coming year and to achieve this we will even give you some valuable …

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Top 10 of the funniest clashes of the month, episode 18

Hi to you lovers of confusion and altercations. Do you rejoice when you see people being clashed on the Internet? GOOD NEWS. You’ve come to the right place kids. Here, we show you the crème de la crème of clashes that hurt. Each month, you are selected for murderous projections by interposed keyboards, when you have not deserved it at …

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Top 12 proofs that the Japanese are the best football fans

We often talk about stupid football fans who mess things up, set fire to cars and fight with bike chains while performing Nazi salutes, but not all fans are like that. There are non-violent ones, rather calm ones, friendly ones, and then there are the Japanese supporters. They are the cream of the crop, they are the best in terms …

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Top 9 things to know about airline co-pilots, a useful profession

The news has just fallen: within three years, the co-pilots may no longer be part of the trip! In order to reduce costs and respond to the lack of personnel, several airlines are asking that the cockpits be made up of only one pilot, compared to two until now. In total, some forty countries have requested it. It is the …

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