Lifestyle News

Top 7 objects that made us laugh this week #65

Good after 65 tops of this kind, the intro remain problematic to find inspiration and to be original. Besides, I wonder if you even read the intros. Like there does it frustrate you if I don’t finish my ph… READERS’ FAVORITE Because sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand swear words. MOST CON Already otters are cute, if …

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Top 15 worst traffic violations in history, are you serious?

Driving is not always an easy task, and while most of us get away with speeding or bad parking as the only deviations in our driving lives, others, more rare, manage to do fart the cursors of the strange. Today we are going to look at the most unusual violations of the highway code, those that the police and the …

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Top 12 Movies That Are Inspired By Real Life And It’s Hard To Believe

The cinema often makes us dream by telling us fabricated stories but it can sometimes happen that it is inspired directly or indirectly by real events to weave its scenario. We’re not going to talk here about biopics or real adaptations of historical facts, but about films that seem completely imaginary which nevertheless had something totally real as their starting …

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Top 13 good reasons to date a geek, quality people

Ten years ago, geeks were not so numerous. But since they set out to take over the world, their numbers have increased dramatically, thereby increasing your chances of dating. So before knowing what type of geek you have to do, we will see what are the advantages of entering into cohabitation with a passionate person. 1. They are very loyal …

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Top 12 awesome things Elon Musk did in 2022, it was his year

Ah Elon Musk, this infamous mix between a billionaire, an internet troll and a dangerous megalomaniac. The guy is scary and has an aura of super villain, but what’s great about him is that you never get bored. Every week, he brings us a different madness, and we can say that in 2022 he hasn’t been idle at all in …

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Top 10 most outrageous ads of 2022

The world of advertising is full of mysteries. We often wonder “But who had this shitty idea? », “How much did they start to think such a thing? », “Is there really someone who validated that? », “They pay a lot to produce this? » and a whole bunch of other ultra kind and benevolent questions like that. Okkkk, it’s …

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Top 30 tweets that made us laugh this week #467

Hey guys, Christmas is coming and as no one likes to be at Fnac packed like sardines on December 23, we advise you to plan some original Christmas gifts a little in advance. You can also offer a reading of this top tweets to your loved ones but it’s sad (and a big stingy thing). With that, have a good …

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Top 8 people who do good deeds and who are still a bit stupid

“Too good, too dumb! It’s not me who says it, huh, it’s the adage. And it’s not completely false, you have to admit… Frankly, to choose, if you find a lot of money in the street, you move heaven and earth to find its owner, and stay true to your principles, or you keep the money to treat yourself a …

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