Lifestyle News

Top 8 completely screwed up boycotts, it was a good attempt

For justified reasons or not, certain events in history have been called for boycott by unhappy people who, once again, for reasons that we can find valid or not. But it sometimes happens that the boycott does not take and that in the end it becomes a bitter failure, which we will try to see together in a few examples …

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Top 10 cookies from our childhood that we miss the most

Hello nostalgics! Want to remember the good old days? So let’s talk about all those biscuits that we ate at snack time and that we can no longer find on the shelves today. Like really more. Even asking the gentleman in the department: “ARE YOU SURE YOU DON’T MAKE MY CHOCOCROKS ANYMORE?? » Be careful, you risk being overwhelmed by …

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Which Wednesday Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

So that’s it, you watched the series Wednesday on Netflix? Frankly, it looks good: we torch the series in one evening and we guess a little what will happen in advance but we get attached to the characters and each episode that ends, we want to see the rest . Depending on your personality, you may have identified with one …

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Top 13 Really Super Realistic Stuff In Emily In Paris, Looking Forward To Season 3

That’s it, life no longer has any meaning because you’ve exhausted all the Christmas movies on your list? We understand, but as Voltaire once said, “we must not panic because there is nothing more panicking than panic”. A wise man. To remedy your anxieties, we suggest you watch the first two seasons of the incredible Netlifx original series Emily in …

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Top 15 people without whom the world would be very bad, very bad

The world is divided into two categories of people: the carefree who enjoy life, and the heroes who make the world go round. The former do not deserve a top (even if we are one of them), while the latter are worthy of our love and all our respect. It is thanks to their daily sacrifice and thanks to their …

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Top 15 of the best memes about the English, our worst enemies

As you probably know (if football matters to you at all), the French team will soon face the England team in the quarter-finals of the World Cup, and the objective is clear: typing English. It’s non-negotiable. But while waiting to see if we can make the roast beef their mother cry, here are some very tasty memes about our enemies …

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Top 16 good news of 2022 in illustrations, not everything was to throw away

WOOOOOOOW are we already coming to the end of 2022? I was not ready for this hair-raising info my word. Well if you thought this year was rotten (not as rotten as 2020 but not far), we come to cheer you up with some good retrospective news on this year. And best of the best: friend” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>the_happy_broadcast on …

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Top 12 of the most overrated series of 2022, we hardly abuse

There are a lot of overrated series in this world and just this year, we were told a whole bunch of so-called “incredible” or “innovative” series and obviously we were disappointed. For the good of this top, all the criticisms that follow will be vehement, hateful, even downright bad faith. Please accept them with all the benevolence your soul has …

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